7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

well really id want rid asap but im very reluctant to send it back to the lfs as no matter how much he asks about how big peoples tanks are anyone could turn around and say that they have a 6,7 or 8 foot tank, so in all reality it could end up anywhere!
how would you get it from here though if you was to have it?
thought you was having the asian aro in there? i thought they wouldn't get along??

its a shame as i like the fish and has come along beautifully in the last couple of months but i just can't bring myself to let the characin go!

if you wanted i could do a part ex on the filter and heaters when you are ready but i don't know how you'd get it, i doubt the other half would drive all the way to you!!

i want a aro com again

but not the same as before

1 x asian
1 x silver
1 x black
1 x african

i can find silvers and black aros its just the african aro im having problems finding
well i dont think thats been done before?
Would look good, wouldnt the african get battered though, being a veggie and more placid?
Your welcome to my silver but like i said im unsure of how you'd get it!
I'll keep a look out for an african.
Just a couple more pics of the frontosa!


  • Frontosa4-001.jpg
    52 KB · Views: 72
i have a african aro before with all the asian aro and to tell the truth the reason i sold it was because it was beating crap out of all 9 of the asian aros
ah right fair enough!
well would it not work out better if you got one of each at small size's?
saying that trying to find an african aro will be difficult enough without being fussy about size's!
Size is the problem

1. they eat larger foods at 10 inch + below that the a filter feeders only eatting small foods like blood worm and mysis

2. i got a 6 inch one from wildwoods for £175 it looked big enought not to be eatern but the red aro had diffrent ideas and ate it in one bit my red is large now 24-26inch which is near full grown
ah right i see, i bet your red is pretty impressive!
if you see any decent asian aro's going for a decent price will you give me a shout? i never see much round here.

looks like the silver will be going back to the lfs as it has no interest at all! annoying really as its a really nice fish, shame it has to go really!
yeah they are settling in well, they are eating like pigs! they wasn't interested in any pellets so i gave them some bloodworm and krill to get them started and they seem to like it, so will probably get them onto pellets once they are fully settled in. if all goes well and these settle in well i will be picking up some more at the end of the month, not sure how many yet. wit the plan of eventually just keeping a trio of them, but the bigger the group the more chance i have, will just have to look out for fighting when they get bigger and just keep the dominant male. they are definitely just brundi's but they do have nice blue in their fins like i wanted so they will do for me!!
they are just in a smaller tank for now while they grow on a bit.

Wow What an amazing tank and fish , just gone through all this topic and im amazed and shocked at some of the prices :blink:

I was waiting for some one to say ur over stocked tho :hyper:
Cool ,Most forums i go on theres always some one saying its over stocked :rolleyes: .Now Im not no expert on fish as im still learning but u have 3 external filters, Are they better then having a sump system
no a sump would probably be better in terms of filter media capacity but the tank came with 2 of the filters and not drilled for a sump so i left it. Im getting another filter soon to make it 4!
I just hope i find another job soon other wise the whole lot will have to go!
hope you get another job soon then. im just gonna start builing the base to mine but not going that big i want 5ft x 2ft x 2ft to keep my oscars in as tanks to small at the mo. i been debating external or sump but will go for a sump i think now and ask questoin on here of what media to use and what return pump ill need as in lph.

sorry for hi jacking your thread ill start mine soon once ive started it
don't worry about it!! going to add lots more pictures today anyway.

well as long as you have a decent size wier and pipe leading to the sump you can have what ever pump you like, you will have to have a minimum though, say for example you did get the 5x2x2 which would hold 566 litres of water, you will need a high turn over for the messy fish your putting in. id say look at a minimum of 3500 litres per hour, and take into consideration once you have media in your sump the pump won't do what it says so taking that also into consideration look for a pump doing at least 4500 litres per hour which once you have your media in will give you roughly 6x turn over something like 8-10x turnover would be spot on.

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