yeah i was a bit worried about the food staying on the floor long enough for them to be able to get it but not much really eats it, in there still is the red tailed black shark that eats bloodworm, but not a great deal, a few bits maybe, the tigerfish picks some off, thats if he doesn't get enough prawn and lancefish maybe! erm the fire eel used to eat lots of bloodworm but only eats a bit now as he loves the prawns! and then there is the synodontis multipunctatus, shouldn't really be in there but seems very happy, aways swimming about and eats the bloodworm and catfish pellets but still, id say in the tank now the rays are the biggest consumer of bloodworms so its great really, when the light went off last night they was a bit more active and i actually saw them all eating but most of the worms had gone so i put another cube in and i saw all of the rays eating so i was happy and went to bed! there is still a few bloodworms left this morning and all the rays are under the sand, i hope they are happy but i think its safe to say its all going well so far but its early days.
i hope you keep them again one day simon, it would be a shame to let the 1 unfortunate time put you off, i think even if any of these didn't make it i would consider it experience and find out what went wrong, amend it, and try again.
i'd really try and have a pure sand substrate, these guys really make use of it and i think it helps them feel more secure. im really happy with them and am looking forward to them growing.
yeah it would be good if they stayed this small, but i do think they will look equally as 'cute' when a bit bigger, after all they only get between 12-14" so not the biggest of fish, but there tails are about 1.5 times the length of there body, with there little stingers stuck on there, they are very cool fish.
it was funny yesterday when i was vacing up some debris, they see me coming and head for the sand!, but when im on the outside of the glass you can sit and look close at them and they just carry on with whatever they are doing!
i will keep up pics as they grow, and of any other fish i might acquire, going to email bas about that L014 sunshine plec today, see how much he would let me have it for!!