ray and oddball keeper !!
i want your bichir simon, the girlfriend is looking at a new car this afternoon so if she gets it soon i may be able to persuade her to go a bit further, do you live near cheshire oaks? i know she wants to go there and i could plan a detour lol!
knox, i didn't want oscars, i still don't! i had the pictus cats which could cause harm to rays so i had them up for sale for ages and nobody would take them, so ryan (rust) said he would swap me the 3 pictus cats and my 3 little clown loach's for the 2 wild oscars, so i did as at the moment the oscars
would be more suited to the tank. as i never planned for the oscars i won't be keeping them, they would have too much of a big impact on the tank with the planned final stocking. don't get me wrong hey are nice fish, and maybe if i had a bigger tank i would of thought about including them but with the fish i want there just isn't room.
Liam, i just took the shelf out, when i first got it i thought the shelves were like structural if you know what i meen, but when trying to figure out where to put the filter i saw they just came out, so a simple solution. only one problem now, i don't like the uneven look so will have to buy another fx5 for the other side lol
some full tank shots, not the best, but the best i can do for now!
still can't get a decent picture of the tiger, is very shy, eats lots of food though, it hides, see's a lance fish or prawn, shoots out, grabs it and shoots back lol, will have to wait a while to get a good picture of it i think!
just a pic of one of the delhezi's, they love it in there new home!
going to the lfs today to order a delhezi for ben (always4lora) so if the endlicheri's are on the list im going to order 2!
just a couple of one of my favourite fish, the pink tailed characin, bit blurry but it never stops!
and just one from above lol, don't ask why! they look like flat sided fish from the front of the tank but this fish is really chunky and a really powerful fish!
and one of the rocket gar, also a bit blurry as it won't stay still!
will try and get some more up today!
oh! knox, the rays are now meant to be being sent on the 2nd january!
they are coming from essex aquatics, well, 1st he said the thermostat went on the tank and the temperature went down overnight and so the rays stopped eating, it took a few days for them to start eating again so he didn't wan to send them out yet, then they are ready now but the curriers are off for 2 weeks or something so now they can't get sent until the 2nd january!
i was a bit funny but he has offered me the money back a few times! has anyone dealt with essex aquatics before?
cheers guys,
knox, i didn't want oscars, i still don't! i had the pictus cats which could cause harm to rays so i had them up for sale for ages and nobody would take them, so ryan (rust) said he would swap me the 3 pictus cats and my 3 little clown loach's for the 2 wild oscars, so i did as at the moment the oscars
would be more suited to the tank. as i never planned for the oscars i won't be keeping them, they would have too much of a big impact on the tank with the planned final stocking. don't get me wrong hey are nice fish, and maybe if i had a bigger tank i would of thought about including them but with the fish i want there just isn't room.
Liam, i just took the shelf out, when i first got it i thought the shelves were like structural if you know what i meen, but when trying to figure out where to put the filter i saw they just came out, so a simple solution. only one problem now, i don't like the uneven look so will have to buy another fx5 for the other side lol
some full tank shots, not the best, but the best i can do for now!

still can't get a decent picture of the tiger, is very shy, eats lots of food though, it hides, see's a lance fish or prawn, shoots out, grabs it and shoots back lol, will have to wait a while to get a good picture of it i think!

just a pic of one of the delhezi's, they love it in there new home!
going to the lfs today to order a delhezi for ben (always4lora) so if the endlicheri's are on the list im going to order 2!

just a couple of one of my favourite fish, the pink tailed characin, bit blurry but it never stops!

and just one from above lol, don't ask why! they look like flat sided fish from the front of the tank but this fish is really chunky and a really powerful fish!

and one of the rocket gar, also a bit blurry as it won't stay still!

will try and get some more up today!
oh! knox, the rays are now meant to be being sent on the 2nd january!
they are coming from essex aquatics, well, 1st he said the thermostat went on the tank and the temperature went down overnight and so the rays stopped eating, it took a few days for them to start eating again so he didn't wan to send them out yet, then they are ready now but the curriers are off for 2 weeks or something so now they can't get sent until the 2nd january!
i was a bit funny but he has offered me the money back a few times! has anyone dealt with essex aquatics before?
cheers guys,