6 Gallon Sanzon Iwagumi

I think people get so hooked on power filters that the idea of sponge filter is a bit foreign

The air driven filter will gas off any Co2 that the kit puts in pretty quickly. There will also be no flow in the tank to distribute the Co2.

But in a planted tank, this is quite a salient point.
Thought about ferts to go with the co2?
I could use a small powerhead to distribute it.
But the bubbles produced by the air pump will gas off any co2 so it doesn't matter whether you have any flow or not.

Do you mean a dwarf puffer when you say pea puffer? I seriously doubt they will pay no attention to other fish. Having owned the less aggressive SAP I would never keep a dwarf puffer with any othrr fish.
What about having a few Pea Puffers and no other fish? I kept 5 in a 32L once and they loved it, wouldn't keep them with shrimp tho :no:
Well I don't want to gas off the Co2 so I will stick with the little tetra filter.

There are many common names the puffer is sold under, dwarf, pygmy, BB, pea, malabar, indian, etc (there are more) but the one I'm talking about is Carinotetraodon travancoricus. They are easily kept in a community tank though you will often read otherwise. My main issue was making sure the more aggressive fish left them alone, not the other way around. I remember reading on another forum that they were vicious and mean and that colored my initial impression of them. I got my first one about 10 years ago and my experience with them turned out to be quite different than what I had read. They will feast on shrimp fry though. The SAP is a much different puffer.

I do like the idea of them being the main fish instead of the tetras.
Now...back to the plants.
Well at 12 inches deep and going iwagumi I'm guessing your gonna use a carpet plant for the front? How about dwarf hairgrass front and tall at the back? Or perhaps some HC front and Lindernia Rotundifolia back?
HC is probably one of my favorite plants. and I love the dwarf hair grass. I think I would like to have both. For example the HC in most places and the grass just around the rocks themselves so that they look as if they have there for ages.

Yes I will do short in the front and tall in the back. I will need tall plants for the puffer/s as well as it's a vital part of keeping them correctly.

I've always had bad luck with the baby tears.
Baby tears? I've heard different people call them different things?
True, common names are hard...Lindernia Rotundifolia is called that here.
they may be small but both the neons an cories should be a minimum of 6 and embers happiest with larger groups still so 13" of fish in a 6 gal doesnt really work.

While 13 inches of fish in a six gallon may seem like a lot, think of it in terms of where the fish will be. 6 inches of pygmy cories on the bottom, and another 7 inchees of fish in the middle and top of the tank. It's not like 13 inches of fish are going to be in the same area of the tank. I have 50 inches of fish in my 30g andn 70 inches of fish in my 47g, but the way I have it stocked, it does not look overstocked at all and all the fish have more than enough room to swim freely. I think the Tcamos's experience is more than enough to allow him to successfully pull this tank off :)
Thanks for saying so.

I will say that I stopped using fish-inch as a measure along time ago and don't advocate for it's use.
But I'm used to debates on fish stocking issues...in marine tanks we have a term, "the tang police" because some people insist all tangs must be kept in no less than a certain sized tank (always something bigger than what you have).

I'm going to put the substrate and water in the tank today.
Thanks for saying so.

I will say that I stopped using fish-inch as a measure along time ago and don't advocate for it's use.
But I'm used to debates on fish stocking issues...in marine tanks we have a term, "the tang police" because some people insist all tangs must be kept in no less than a certain sized tank (always something bigger than what you have).

I'm going to put the substrate and water in the tank today.
i cannot wait to see where this is going. Its going to be swell.
It's going to be swell indeed.

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