5Ft Tank Build

Thats truely amazing,time i had another large tank,am not a fan of angels,but i got to say yours are really beautiful,i think am not a lover of them as they never lasted anytime with me before when i kept fish....avery interesting project and gorgeous tank....QUALITY ;)
The tank is looking so beautiful and so are the angels! I hope they all get along well :) Glad they have healed for the most part.
Some newcomers arrived today & Diablo is now moved back home. Added, 2 new angels and 8 black widow tetras.
So we now have a total of 8 angels, 8 BWT, 1 BGK, 2 Albino BN and 3 Common BN

Next week i am going to try and get another 8 BWT to make a nice size 'dither' school
In a couple months diablo may be a threat to your tetras, just beware of his capabilities haha
Ooo lovely :) Hopefully Diablo behaves now. Can't wait to see more pics with all the fishies!
sawickib said:
In a couple months diablo may be a threat to your tetras, just beware of his capabilities haha
Or he maybe fine...lifes a risk
 The tetras get quite large when full grown, so i'm hoping if he's well fed he wont touch anything lol

Ninjouzata said:
Ooo lovely
Hopefully Diablo behaves now. Can't wait to see more pics with all the fishies!
He's a happier fella with a bit more hiding space
Those new angels are striking looking. Great additions to a beautiful tank.
Updated pics

The angel pair

Some of the Black widow tetras

Smaller angel
Go to feed the fish tonight and instantly notice the large male smokey angel is not well, he has been removed and is being treated in a smaller tank. I believe he has Columnaris, and it took over him quick. I will be keeping a close eye on other inhabitants to make sure it doesnt spread. He really is not well, unsure if he will make it, but i will fight for him
I believe this was introduced into the tank from fish bought from an online company, never again. I will, from now on, pay the extra and by locally.
Good luck with the Angel treatment, fingers crossed and all that. Amazing looking tank Alasse you should be very proud
Thanks Archer......I've started basic treatment. The antibiotics i have on hand are too far out of date to use, so will have to pick up new ones tomorrow. Hopefully he can hang in. Checked on him just before and the salt has perked him up a little bit. Poor thing!
I love this tank, it would be my favourite at the moment :)
Just did the final check on the male angel tonight, He is not hanging right at the top of the tank any longer, or partially on his side. The salt seems to be helping, i added a bit more salt about 30min ago. Fingers crossed for my beautiful boy.
Columnaris apparently doesnt like salty well aerated water. I will still get the meds and treat him. The quicker i can get on top of it the better his chance of survival! The meds will, chances are, kill of the beneficial bacteria in the canister too. But thats all good, it will be getting a full clean anyway.
Update on male angel: Antibiotic now added, running 2 airstones flat out, salted water. Fingers crossed!!
The large male i think will make it.
3 small angels sadly have not.......but what is left look ok, but time will tell, fingers crossed!

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