Questions? said:thanks, so i could add 2 females and 1 male? i also dropped the firemouth idea, maybe if i get another tank........
EDIT: my LFS just told me about apistogramma borelli sp. Opal, mated pair for $30 (US) is this a good deal? the kribensis is a no, go and will be in my 20 gall tank until i find a new home for him/her. Would the mated pair of apistogramma be good for this tank? If necessary i could move my GBR in the 20 gallon, once the kribensis is given away. I am hoping to raise the fry (once they happen, hopefully they will) so i can sell them up to my LFS and make up the money, and more, of the pair.
Just look at it as a challenge and let that be the reward. Anything beyond that is gravy - and that way you aren't disappointed.