50 Gal

could i put a severum in there? if not, what would i have to get rid of for it to be fine?
ooh, nvm i just read that they eat plants............
ohhh... nvm i just checked the tank and i found the keyhole dead, which doesn't make any sense because thise morning it was fine, and swimming around and searching for foood........ well i am now thinking of adding 2 more small angelfish and a female GBR. also is there anyway i could identify if the angelfish are females, because i dont want any breeding (yet) and i don't want any agression, therefore i want all females
Sorry for your loss... Sorry, I don't know much about angels.
oh yeah..... i should add a post in the new cichlid forum
Ive always kept angels, and know ppl who have as well and I've never heard of them breeding, they have to have certain tank requirements to breed, so I wouldn't worry about that happening without you trying. Does anyone know if one bolivian ram is okay to do? I would hate to have a sad fish :(
My dad had angels when I was a kid... when they started breeding, they wiped out the rest of the fish in his tank. He wasn't trying to breed them... I guess he got "lucky" with his non-paired angels growing into a breeding pair.
My dad had angels when I was a kid... when they started breeding, they wiped out the rest of the fish in his tank. He wasn't trying to breed them... I guess he got "lucky" with his non-paired angels growing into a breeding pair.

lol exactly what i don't want to happen

Ive always kept angels, and know ppl who have as well and I've never heard of them breeding, they have to have certain tank requirements to breed, so I wouldn't worry about that happening without you trying. Does anyone know if one bolivian ram is okay to do? I would hate to have a sad fish
one bolivian ram would be fine
I prefer not to talk about African cichlids...
I know less about Africans than I do S.A. cichlids.  Kribs are the most peaceful of the Africans, I believe, but that's a comparative thing.   They may be peaceful with your current fish, but I'm not qualified to address it.   (Might want to try Old World Cichlids for their opinion.)
As for another big fish, I'd definitely go with pearl gouramis. Quite a docile fish that will tend to keep to itself if your tank is the right size. . As for German Blues, I have a 55g stocked with 2 males and 3 females, 10 tiger barbs, 6 green Cory, 8 bloodfin tetras and 6 mon tetras. Though the GBRs have paired off, they're not necessarily aggressive. They like to show off to fish they can get away with doing so, like my lemon tetras, but they don't nip or hurt them, only chase every once in awhile. If you kept them with angels, I doubt that they'd do a thing unless the angels tried to eat their eggs. You mentioned a firemouth - Pretty sure, given it is a decent size, would try to tear up your ram. Either way, good luck with the new tank!
thanks, so i could add 2 females and 1 male? i also dropped the firemouth idea, maybe if i get another tank........
EDIT: my LFS just told me about apistogramma borelli sp. Opal, mated pair for $30 (US) is this a good deal? the kribensis is a no, go and will be in my 20 gall tank until i find a new home for him/her. Would the mated pair of apistogramma be good for this tank? If necessary i could move my GBR in the 20 gallon, once the kribensis is given away. I am hoping to raise the fry (once they happen, hopefully they will) so i can sell them up to my LFS and make up the money, and more, of the pair.
nvm about the apistos, so i could add 2 females and 1 male GBR

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