50 Gal

i just added my 2 angelfish, 1 GBR, 2 BN plecos, 5 rummynose tetras and 1 amazon sword, 1 rosette sword, 1 anubias, 6 crypt wendtii 'green'
i also added my fully cycled 30 gal filter, because before with just 5 mosquito fish and 1 lamp eye (all the others were sick and died, i hate Petsmart) the ammonia was at a constant .03 ppm and now, even after adding the fish the ammonia is at a constant 0 ppm, eventually i will take out the 30 gallon filter. my lfs haven't gotten there shipment today yet, so once they do i will get the keyhole cichlid
i just added my 2 angelfish, 1 GBR, 2 BN plecos, 5 rummynose tetras and 1 amazon sword, 1 rosette sword, 1 anubias, 6 crypt wendtii 'green'
i also added my fully cycled 30 gal filter, because before with just 5 mosquito fish and 1 lamp eye (all the others were sick and died, i hate Petsmart) the ammonia was at a constant .03 ppm and now, even after adding the fish the ammonia is at a constant 0 ppm, eventually i will take out the 30 gallon filter. my lfs haven't gotten there shipment today yet, so once they do i will get the keyhole cichlid

Photos or it didn't happen
ill get photos as soon as i can.
i just got the keyhole cichlid last night then went to a friends house, but it turns out the keyhole was only 1 inch big, would it get beat up?
The only ones that might bother it would be the angels... How big are they?

Nevermind, its in your sig... it should be just fine. ;-)
alright thanks
can i add 1 male GBR, since they would each get a good amount of territory from each other. oh and also if this helps, i looked at the tank picture from PetSmart and it is 65 gallons.
You want 2 male GBRs? I don't know about that... that's not my area of expertise. Do you have decor to breakup the sight lines and define different territories?
yeah, there is driftwood, a pvc pipe and plants and the tank is kind of symmetrical
but instead could i add two smaller angelfish to my tank? about quarter size (excluding fins)
I'm not the one to ask about that... Just remember that small angelfish grow into large angelfish.
New world cichlids forum...
i just added a mother amazon, idk the real name. i think it is just a larger size of amazon sword then they usually sell. sad thing is i had to cut half of the leaves off since they are covered in algea, brown or had a bunch of holes. i also found a trumpet snail on it, and i just plopped it in the tank, but i think it was dried out? since it was in the car (out of water) for maybe 30 minutes
could i put tiger barbs in here? if so i would put like 8
oh, ok.
any suggestions on what else i could put in there?

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