5 Hours Later...


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Hey, finaly got my new tank set up and done.took 5 hours! All the moving and cleaning! Tank needed a good scrub out. Got the sand in:

the start of a great tank! I had to put to kettles of water on it as the sand was so cold.
Next came the lovely bogwood that came with the tank.


excuse the syphon,we started taking water out my current tank to keep temp right.

1third full

2 thirds full plants in!excited
had to use hosepipe to fil the tank and use lots of kettles to make it the right temp! Added seachem prime to water.then added the fishes and added last of the old tank water.

Pic but without lights, bit cloudy stil.

I am leaving lights off for few hours to let fish settle but so far they are loving it!
Will turn lites on in bit for a pic. Got plants coming next week, at the moment only amazon swords and vallis with a crypt of some sort.
Any comments appreciated :)
This is my first attempt at a proper planted tank, it will get there!
Great, can't really tell really how it looks untill it settles and we get a clearer pic. Looks promising though. I know what you mean about the kettles of water aswell, i must have used 20-30 on a Rio 300 to get it relatively up to temp and i swear it made no difference!
Five hours well spent, very envious of your new project. Looking forward to seeing it develop, what's the stocking plan?
Wel i already got quite a few fish,small comunity ones. But got such an urge to clear them all for discus,just toying with the idea. Wil list stocking atm when on a comp tomorrow

best photo i can get atm!

I think it looks great. If you have hard water you vallis should thrive and i think spreading it along the back if it does would look even greater
And maybe a few crypts infront of the wood to blend it in but i really like it
I have a load of plants coming some time this week to plant. got carpet and back ground plants. Thats when it will really come alive :) Unfortunately my camera sucks! I do have some crypts in front, but the sand comes up to bright in the pics! Will try sort it out :)
If anyone has better suggestions on where to put things please go ahead! My OH was rushing me as we had to get the fish in the new tank so it was kinda put this there, that there yep that'll do! haha
Oh the stocking! haha I forgot :) have to give estimate quantities as not entirely sure how many of each I have, had a few with the new tank and never counted them! will put (a) if approximate!
1 x Angel fish
1 x Red Tail black Shark
1 x BN
5 x neons
7 x head + tail light tetras (a)
6 x glolight tetras
6 x harlequin rasboras
7 x rummy nose tetras (a)
9 x copeland's tetras
9 x cherry barbs (a)
2 x sparkling gouramis
4 x dwarf gouramis
8 x bronze corydoras
2 x peppered corys
4 x panda corys
2 x kribs
3 x some kind of tetra can't remember which ones :)
mix of skunk, napo, black fin corys (had 15 but I know a coupe died so not sure on quantity)
1 x lone albino cory (from new tank)
There are 3-4 other smaller fish I don't know what they are from the new tank but they are so small I can't get a pic of them!

At the moment thought I also have 4 x balloon mollies, 6 platys, 2 gouramis (1 x 3spot other not sure) 1 clown loach, a CAE. All of these I am looking to rehome. Aready rehomed some black widow tetras and tiger barb. Mollie and platys have a potential home just the rest to move! I love Clown Loaches but he needs more friends and I dont really have the space!

When I write it down it seems I have a loooooooot of fish but it doesn't look like it in the tank!
:lol: You almost have every fish species in Volume I of Baensch Atlas in that tank. I personally prefer less species, but that's just me.

This has the makings of a fantastic project.

Shall I move this to the journal section?

I know :blush:
When I started out I just loved going and buying new fish, I saw ones I liked and got them! Now I'm thinking I would prefer less different species and more of each but don't know what to do with them!
By all means move it :) I was just sharing my excitement with people :) (I'm a little crazy haha)
Lovely start hun, looking forward to more pics and with the new plants in :).

Agree with lljd on the species front, a nice big group or 2 of the same fish looks stunning.

Hope the cory's are nice to your carpeting plant's, they have a tendency to be a right pain with them lol.
Thanks! Im just itching to get plants in.but got to decide where to put them.think i mite be moving it around a lot.
I cant decide on what fish to switch out for others. The copelands stick with the rummys so they are like a group. The others mainly stay together with their own! Apart from the corys who mix and match themselves. I hope they treat my new plants nicely. Haha
OMG!!! was just looking through this and noticed the curtain in the first pic! haha! Please excuse this, I live with my BF's nan and that curtain defo belongs to her :lol:

On the other hand, I think my plants might be waiting for me at home :) My OH text me saying there is a package and I can't think what else I am wating for!!! fingers crossed
Of Course :)
It is a 5ft tank, 320litres ish (minus space taken by substrate, wood etc)
At the moment I am running 2 filters:
Eheim Aquaball 2210
Eheim Pickup 2012
These came with the tank but I am looking at buying an external filter from all pond solutions.
The lights I am currently using are:
DHG Waterplant Aquarium lamp Degenbao 30W 36" (this came with the tank, not a clue about it tbh)
and a Sun glo 40W 42" as the other that came with the tank broke
I am not running CO2 as I don't have the budget to buy a system.
I am still in the process of decided about ferts to use. The liquid is going to be expensive, but the dry confuses me a little! Need some more research :lol:

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