488l Mega Nano

Flame was very last to be added, as can be very territorial and will dominate an entire set up if introduced too soon. A lot of displaying for about 15 mins when introduced from the bellus, but now, live happily together, only occasional bit of ritual display on passing
Stock list:-

1 Bellus angel
1 flame angel
1 regal tang
3 lyretail anthias
1 twin spot hogfish
2 black and white common clowns
1 scarlet hawkfish
1 bi colour blenny
1 hi fin goby
1 circus goby
1 court jester
1 bangai cardinal
1 sabre tooth blenny1 royal gramma
1 cleaner wrasse


2 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 blood shrimp
5 blue knuckle hermits
3 halloween hermits
3 scarlet hermits
1 black spiny urchin (meantime..his days are numbered,lol)
12 ceriths
8 trochus
numerous stomatella
1 sand sifting star
asstd hitch hikers,lol

Coral/ Softies:-

1 red closed brain
1 torch
3 frogspawn
1 scolly
1 plating monti
4 species of gorgonia
1 sun coral
14 ric colour morphs
asstd zoas
asstd palys
1 pussy coral
1 calaustrea
7 heads of leather coral
asstd mushrooms
2 medusa / colt coral
1 acans frag
1 favia frag
Swarm of wild collected xenia !!!

few new rics added to garden..


just taken after rescape and returning to 14K bulb....

oh my goodness, I am in love! What a stunning tank, is it ok if I pull up a chair & sit & watch it for a while?? It looks in perfect balance.
Considering adding a few hardy sps frags soon..perhaps green acro, monti confusa and digitata, maybe a hysterix??
Anyone any experience with mixed set ups on here?? My lps seem to do ok with all the softies but not so sure if sps would make it...all help appreciated
Looks great for sure. As for mixing softies and SPS, it can be done, I've seen it, but I personally never had any luck with it. so my tank is all hard corals and zoas now :)
Glad to here that as many advised me sps would never survive with zoas...no way will i get shot of my zoas, palys or rics lol...
Think if I add extra carbon to the rear chamber I might just get off with it..worth a try anyway,lol...
Broke most of the other golden rules in here already..I dont even use ro, never have since start...simply water from the bathroom tap with easi life filter solution added to it...no major problems so far!!!!
Simply run a skimmer on here and nothing else.....depending on live rock and twin deep sand beds with additive used as and when required.
Right peeps, let's see if it works...Added several sps frags to see if they'll work in here. So far they are all pretty close together to keep them up high in the tank to see if they settle and will be moved if and when they settle in...






plating form of hydnaphora (lps actually,lol)


branching hydnaphora (also lps)


seriatopora hystrix

Also in mini me's nano i'm trying this monti....


Armour of god zoas, pink morph...


(All these were taken after lights out with a flash)
I am drooling at that stylophora, I have had my eye on that to be one I try when I pluck up the courage to try SPS.

Nice zoas too, very nice.

Good luck with the SPS, you should be fine going by the rest of your tank.
Fingers crossed,lol..
Will put up new pic of zoas and new red ones tomorrow when they've settled in..both were stunning in the guys tank...were under 400watt halides there but so hope do ok under t8's in nano

Had pink stylo as well but thought best to test with green one first to see if they settle ok
Couple of shots after adding and taking a few frags....



A few pics....


red brain





ric garden




Asstd palythoa





Most reactions
