330L Tank Journal

yes :( sadly my plan was to get a bigger tank a few years time but plans have changed and i will haft to give these fish away within the next year :( but i want to keep them as long as i can as they love it in the tank, getting a co2 system this week to help with the plants and learn that side of fish keeping, as i plan to do all this again when i finaly settle down, but when i do i am looking at getting the largest tank i can posible fit :) maybe 7 to 8ft long :)
are you going to keep the tank up and running, but with different fish? etc?
what you mean sorry?, i plan to get rid of everything, i think i am gona try and take my co2 stuff with me gona try salvage as much as i can, sand i will either give away or throw away, plants give or sell, and same with fish, filters sell on here or ebay along with heaters and UV

when i get out to ausi i plan to get a bigger tank maybe 500 to 1000L tank i want BIG haha
as big is my money and garage/house can take but i will take a couple of years till i get that
haha thank you and same :)
okay for those who wanted some more updates, i have two videos, and a few more pictures, but i also have installed an FE Co2 System, so hopefully that will do alright :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYCi4O6yDt4 --------- Video during Water change

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9X8WrnTFqY -------- Video showing Co2 and tank layout, also have a few power heads in there to help with flow

and my big BN pleco has grown loads, now 9cm :) sorry for dirty tank it is now clean

Wow, nice but you have some algae in there dude, staghorn on the sword.
thnx dude :), staghorn hmm i was told its BBA, how do i get rid of this then? been a week now with co2 and if anything its getting worse according to my GF, co2 is good lime green, dosing 25ml of neutro+ daily, i have over 20x the flow in the tank, 90% of that flow is directly onto the plants it self, only issue i can think is light i have medium light at the moment soon to have high light? any thoughts?
Get the spray bottle out and liquid carbon and water in there, 1:20 ratio, spray it while water is dropped and refill, it will kill it and then prob wont come back, once you have it, its difficult to get rid of. Prob from previous CO2 fluctuations.
Gona do a Daily image diary for my co2, don't worry i wont be posting daily il post monthly or when i remember just to see how things go :), looking at getting some grass, maybe a few more plants and maybe some more fish as i am no longer going to Australia :(, don't know what i can do with my tank stock wise, looking at maybe small fish rather than big ones haha, any ideas anyone?

gona buy one of PS3Steveo's LED lights kits to replace my light system, to a high light now that i have co2, also my hood has sagged and looked a bit dodgy now haha was only meant for a temp thing any way


this was taken on the 22/11/12

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