330L Tank Journal

thank you all

okay i dont know for sure as im not with my tank for another 2 weeks, but the algae is getting worse, from what i can see, steveo told me to up the co2 so i shall do that when i get back down im thinking of pulling up ALL my twisted vellas and binning them and getting new ones start fresh with them, cut most the leaves of my cryps and same with my amazon swords to try and get rid of this algae from what i can see the algae is not spreading to new leaves just growing on the current leaves, also with the new lights im getting hopefully that will help too
wow, if i was in the uk i would try and go to the bin and take your vallis lol
Really you do relise they are smothered in algae and most look pretty poor haha
haha lol, you can take them if you want minus postage of course il give you a better picture when i get back down to my tank
if it is covered in algea i could let my shrimp have it for a little bit, then when its all nice and clean i could use it :)
Okay a small update, i am going to re-scape my tank in the next few weeks. I made up a plan of what i would like it to look like


but here is an update for my cave, sorry if you are watching my cave thread it is the same on there no difference yet :)


so here is a full list of what i am going to buy next to get this going

4x Tropica Eleocharis (Dwarf Hair Grass)
2x Tropica Vesicularia Ferriei (weeping Modd)
2x Anubias Barteri var Nana
1x Echinodorus Uruguayensis
2x Hygrophilia Guensis
2/3x Bunch of Twisted vallsi to replace my current once
1x Unipac Sengal Sand 12.5Kg for my cave burying
1x Colombo Flora-Base Brown 5 Ltrs for my plant project on the right of the tank
1x Easy Aqua Plant tool Set curved

i will be stripping my tank completely again taking all plants out salvaging the best i can, crypts and amazon swords will get a hair cut to get rid of all or almost all of the algae untill new growth then i can get rid of algae, seeming that using liquid co2 did not work :( my anubias has all died sadly was not able to rescue that

and i wont be getting rid of all my slate but will not use most of it, keep my most favourite ones and re-arange them within the planted section of the tank

any comments and questions all welcome
will the back of the cave be seethrough? or is the cave front gonning to face the front glass of the tank, on the lower left edge of the tank
the cave, wont be see through at all, i plan to smother it in the black silcon glue and like poor sand ontop and rub sand in so it looks like a sandy cave and then hopefully that will help the sand i put ontop to stick better :) aka burried :)
its in the aqua scape section but here is a link

okay i went on an impule buy and spent another £130 on plants, sand, and other bits and bobs for my tank total list is there


2 x Tropica Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping' 1-2-GROW! (Weeping Moss)

1 x Echinodorus uruguayensis

4 x Tropica Eleocharis sp. 'mini' 1-2-GROW! (Dwarf Hair Grass)

2 x Hygrophila guensis

3 x Anubias nana
2 x Cryptocoryne nevellii

Substrate Stuff
1 x Unipac Senegal Aquarium Sand 12.5kg

2 x Colombo Nutri Base 5L


1 x Easy Aqua Curved Scissors

1 x Easy Aqua Straight Tweesers

Still going to stick with all the plants on the right except the grass on the left in front of the cave :) going to get twisted vellas locally :)

Hope to get this all done within a week
alright my stuff was delivered today, but when i did get home from my 2 weeks break wow the algae was unbelievable here are some pics, but i have stripped down all my plants, and so far just added my nutri base which has made a complete mess of my tank as i can take the water out reduced it as much as i could now letting my filters do there job for an hour while my fish recover form the shock plants are looking better in a bucket at the moment, new plants look good, cant w8 to get them all in and placed

so here are the pics

this BBA on the wood

on the plants

and after taking all the plants wood and rock out i was left with this mess hiding in the depths of my tank not a nice sight

its all dead plant's i guess thats where all my valis went

but this is all the leafs that i haft cut off for all my plants probably 90% of my total leafs in the tank :( sad day

but i have also spread out my crypts so from 3 i now have like 15 individual plants :)

since putting in my nutri base the tank water has gone almost black so i have turned off the lights and going to leave it for an hour while i let my fish have a break and let the tank clear up

i am also w8ing on water to heat up in my wheele bin as the water that came out of the tap was 8c so its now at around 13 :) slow process 3 heaters in there when that heats up il take some water out and put some fresh water in

il try and get a pic then

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