330L Tank Journal

hey thank you both for the comments :)
well sadly i have some bad news :'( i lost 6 fish last night :( two angel's two tiger barbs and two clown loach's i managed to save the remaining fish just. but frustratingly my Gf's sister threw a party last night and decided it would be nice to put the tank lights on, left them on all night till about 3 or 4 in the morning, with the co2 being on for that whole time and the total time the lights being on for that day was something like 15 hours :( i guess the plants had screwed up the Oxygen levels in the tank killing some of my fish :( they where dyeing as i woke up at 9 this morning :( luckily quick injection of fast oxygenated water from out side tap helped things and a quick 50% water change cured the problem and no more fish have been lost :( RIP poor guys :(
the remianing angel looked very sad today not moving much hope over the next week he recovered if not i shall haft to re home and i am thinking of re homing the remaining 3 clown loaches as they prefer bigger groups i may buy more tiger barbs but i rather not as i am getting rid of the tank in the next 6 months trying to be positive i guess this means less fish for me to try and re home in the future 
:rip: How horrible! So sorry for the bad news. We all lose fish, but when the cause is someone else entirely, I can only imagine how frustrating that was.
Mate your co2 normally come on 2 hours before your lights come on and go off 2 hours before the lights go off?
yes but that day yes and no :p, right Co2 come on at 12pm lights came on at 2pm all normal everything fine and perfect i checked fed fish at 4pm checked fish at 6pm and then co2 goes of at 7pm lights SHOULD go of at 9pm but the lights did not go off untill 4am the next morning, because my GF's sister took the plug out of the timer and plugged it into the wall to keep them on :mad: get woken up by my gf at 8am saying fish are dead :( i thought all had perished but only 6 :( the only thing i have done in the past week is turn of the 5400lph power head on thursday and this is sunday so im sure if i had a co2 problem due to lack of flow or something would have happened before then not sure if my reasons are 100% correct but its my theory water tested perfect so no problems there co2 is off at that point over night so cant be co2 no leaks either only think i can think of is no oxygen :S i know plants take in oxygen over night maybe because they where on for longer they drew in more oxygen and there for starving the fish of it :S no idea
Hmm... I would like something like that would take more time to to kill that many fish... maybe if there was a party, something was added to the tank by accident? and your water change the next day took care of the problem? People do stupid things at parties...  that's just an idea though. :?
That's what I was thinking, lights wouldn't kill fish nor would a very slight imbalance.
Im thinking someone gave the fish a drink.  Again, just a thought though.
Ye I thought so but there was no alcohols involved at the party and nothing else could have been added :p strange I know but ye can't think of anything else :S
That is strange.....
what kind of party has no alcohol?!?!  
haha an underage party :p but hey i changed my layout in the fight for better flow and to fight algae i think i may be winning :) as i have not had much algae growth this week :D i took my cave out as i think that could have contributed to the cause in the way of poo and other plant matter getting stuck in side and not getting filtered out re aranged some plants and i am very happy with the layout now think it will stay like this i also went out and bought new fish :) 9 new Cory's i beleive False Juli Cory's and 6 more Green tiger barbs :)
and now for the Pics,
okay this is how the tank looks in its new layout this pic was taking 1 week ago

and my new fish 



funny that the new Tiger barbs are darker than my older ones
and now for todays pictures
tiger barbs swimming more as a group now still new ones are darker

thought my pleco looked cool in the blue

and my red plants are growing red now woop

so is my amazon sword that supposed to be red :) cant seem to get a good picture of it i will keep trying tho :)
but here is full tank shot

hope you enjoy :D
WOW!!! the rescape looks amazing, I absolutely love it!!!  The plants are filling in really nicely, and the green really pops against the color of the rocks.  
Love the green barbs, mine are always changing colors, it's an easy way to tell the mood of the tank :)  Love the cories too, nothing better than bringing home a fish bag full of them!!!!  
Tank looks great, TOTM for sure :good:

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