okay i have my Co2 back
had it running all day at 2bps BUT my drop checkers are still blue, il change the solution in them tomorrow see if this helps
on the plus side i was a bad boy today and bought 1 more Fish a Tiny Red tail shark love the little guy, and i bought a shed load of my plants, 9 bunches from P@H and 3 Pots, but i am sure one of my Bunches is not an aquatic altho i did get 3 bunches free
so no loss there
i got another Crypt and two more of those Amazon Sword rose that i killed off and some more twisted vellas hopefully these ones will survive, and some kind of Fuzzy plant very common no idea what it is
haha il put a post in the Planted ID section to find out on the two plants i don't know what they are,
on a sad note i have lost a clown loach no idea where he went was a very big loach so no idea how or where he could hide and no he's not in the cave
, i have also lost i think two green tiger barbs, one jumped out of the tank and i found all dried up today looked like he had been there for days, and the other don't know,
hard to count all my fish when they hide n keep swimming haha,
well despite not having co2 for a week, my plants continued to grow and i pretty much have a forrest on the left hand side now looks immense, some plants are now very close to reaching the top, so hope you all enjoy
the pictures this tank have come on really well and i am so happy at how it has progressed, also despite the grass getting a lot of algae there is also new growth and some spread, most of the new spread keep getting dug up but hopefully it will grow strong soon
Okay these are the plants i have no idea what they are
This is my new Crypt
i have broken this one pot into 4 to 5 different plants
This is my new amazon Swords
i kept all the leafs and did not touch the rood either
this time hopefully they will melt but regrow
Now this is the plant i think is not an Aquatic plant but maybe not sure looks to waxy to be aquatic in my eyes but it was submerged at P@H but dose look like its dying or rotting due to water
MOre Tank pictures to follow uploading is being slow tonight sorry