330L Tank Journal

Mountains of pipe? You cut it down to fit your tank lol
What colour was the filters intake and output then if it was going yellow?
They are normally black aint they? I know mine are anyhoo.
New tank? You setting up another tank? Is this to replace your exsisting tank or will it be a second tank?
na mine used to be clear see through look back at the old pics on like Page 3 or 4 :p haha
well i am moving to Australia in september so i will haft to sell this tank along with everything if i cant do that then il take as much as i can with me that i am aloud anyway but the new tank is to replace this one but is for Australia :) will set it up once i get there :) parts are cheaper here in the uk like filters and stuff so getting it all ready to just chuck some water in and buy the sand and plants when i get there :D
got my DIY topic here on it
gona be mainly planted with some fish in but not to start with i want to get plants first :) and take it from there not posted pics of the Lilly pipes yet and no i was not able to buy some as the design of the tank and cabinet means i cannot have anything entering from the side :)
Yea i admit i did start on page 9 or somethin lol never seen your journal before so had a quick breeze through. I will read it all tho.
Yea iv seen your DIY tank project before. Looks really really good. So you built it and then your shipping it over to oz?
Ah man im so jealous, take me with you am so tired of our non exsistant summers.
Ild move to oz tomorrow if i could.
How did you get out there? Work?
no luckily my mum is out there :) so i am joining her, but yes i will need to find work my fingers are crossed, and i will be shipping the cabinet out along with all my other stuff
cheers SLIM 
Right Update time, well i am happy to say some of my new plants have shown some growth and i shall show pics 2 days after noticing new growth and you can tell the difference older leafs again darker in colour new leafs more vivd green :) is wired how the leaf darkens the older it gets without you noticing it :)
also i dont think this is pearling but if people who have experienced it tell me, but i have fine bubbles on some of my leaf's quite a few in some cases but my tank has a very find mist floating around with the new co2, and to me it looks like those floating tinny bubbles are just getting hocked on but hey you be the verdict on that one :)

hope you enjoyed il post another update mid week ish :)
well, thank you i guess it may not last my co2 ran out today :( luckily i have a spare canister but i need to get the levels correct again growth is still great :) a few more plants are starting to show signs of growth, trimmed some of my red plants today lets hope the old stems fan out as i expect and the tops grow up :) i am doing a picture diary sorta thing to show the growth of a few perticualr plants over a period of days weeks :) when i'm done il post them on here :) may nip to the LFS some time this week to get some more plants maybe more red or smaller plants :D who know's haha
Jealous :)   I wish my plants would fill in!!! My tank is low tech though, so I have to be patient (yea right). I do however, really wish i had a lfs around here that had a good selection of plants. All i can seem to find are crypts, which are great but I'm up to around 20 now haha... I need some taller stuff. Every stemmy type plant I punt in my tanks melts completely away and never comes back :(  I'm upping my wattage from 1 wpg to 1.5wpg though so maybe that will help. Can't wait to see the progression pics, what a great idea!
greenmumma141 said:
Jealous :)   I wish my plants would fill in!!! My tank is low tech though, so I have to be patient (yea right). I do however, really wish i had a lfs around here that had a good selection of plants. All i can seem to find are crypts, which are great but I'm up to around 20 now haha... I need some taller stuff. Every stemmy type plant I punt in my tanks melts completely away and never comes back :(  I'm upping my wattage from 1 wpg to 1.5wpg though so maybe that will help. Can't wait to see the progression pics, what a great idea!
Do you dose carbon?
Nope, just seachem flourish. Any suggestions are sooo appreciated. This is my first planted tank so I don't really know what I'm doing lol. I was thinking some root tabs would help, my crypts are doing good though. My tiny tiger lotus bulb is up to 4 leaves now, but now really getting any bigger it seems.....  
how big is your tank and i would recommend seachem's flourish excel then but you will need extra ferts if wanting to dose co2 :) your best bet is to do a Fe co2 system :)
i have just bought my self some excel as its better than neutro co2 supposedly altho my algae has slowed to almost a stop, i don't think i am getting any major bba now i was getting diatoms but they seem to have slowed but still there i am wiping of and removing as much dead leafs as i can daily, i also syphon out the poop corner as i like to call it daily if not twice daily my new filter inflow pipes are preventing major plant debris from entering the filter but still allowing good flow :) if not better than what it was before :)
Zikofski said:
how big is your tank and i would recommend seachem's flourish excel then but you will need extra ferts if wanting to dose co2 :) your best bet is to do a Fe co2 system :)
i have just bought my self some excel as its better than neutro co2 supposedly altho my algae has slowed to almost a stop, i don't think i am getting any major bba now i was getting diatoms but they seem to have slowed but still there i am wiping of and removing as much dead leafs as i can daily, i also syphon out the poop corner as i like to call it daily if not twice daily my new filter inflow pipes are preventing major plant debris from entering the filter but still allowing good flow :) if not better than what it was before :)
Sounds like your slowly winning the war lol

greenmumma141 said:
Nope, just seachem flourish. Any suggestions are sooo appreciated. This is my first planted tank so I don't really know what I'm doing lol. I was thinking some root tabs would help, my crypts are doing good though. My tiny tiger lotus bulb is up to 4 leaves now, but now really getting any bigger it seems.....  
Yea I suggest baby steps. By this mean carbon. Treat yourself to a bottle of seachem florish excel (carbon), itll do wonders for your tank. Make sure you dose your seachem florish (trace) everyday rather than weekly and when it runs out replace it with a good micro/marco fert instead. Not sure which brand to suggest as im not in the states. Your plants growth will really pick up:)
I normally dose daily (4ml), but I've been lazy about it so I was dosing 5ml every other day.  When I start with the excel, should I dose both daily and just start the excel  in smaller amounts?  

Is it going to kill my vallis?!?! 
 Carbon scares me lol
Zikofski said:
how big is your tank and i would recommend seachem's flourish excel then but you will need extra ferts if wanting to dose co2
your best bet is to do a Fe co2 system

i have just bought my self some excel as its better than neutro co2 supposedly altho my algae has slowed to almost a stop, i don't think i am getting any major bba now i was getting diatoms but they seem to have slowed but still there i am wiping of and removing as much dead leafs as i can daily, i also syphon out the poop corner as i like to call it daily if not twice daily my new filter inflow pipes are preventing major plant debris from entering the filter but still allowing good flow
if not better than what it was before
My tank is 60 gallons. I've been using just the seachem flourish since I set it up, but now I'm getting algae and I would appreciate faster plant growth lol.  I don't want to set up a co2 for a while, if ever.  
I've decided to stop being a weenie, and pick up some excel tomorrow :)  I'll start slow lime Slim said, and hopefully it doesn't kill my vallis.....

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