30 Gallon Nano Journal...

I think my polyps are opening more...What do you guys think?

Heres a before:

Heres an after:
therrreee we go :D finally hehe. Im definitely copying you although maybe glass or plexiglass rather than milk crate since I can get either for free...
Glass is heavy, I like egg-crate because it allows for proper ventalation and will lower heat and evaporation? I think or maybe its the opposite for the evaporation bit.
Aw crap, im pretty much using this to bump up the thread. So my jawfish jumped out the tank today. Hopefully he'll make it through. He was out of the water for about a minute or two. :nod:
If things couldn't already get worse my firefish is now trying to escape. My jawfish kicked him out of his hiding spot so now hes out at night. Right when I turned off the lights I heard it try jumping out but it luckily got stopped by the egg crate.
I think so :)...


I haven't been on here for ages! I proved to myself that I can actually refrain from posting so many topics and responses! Sooo now I have to get back on track...So far, my tanks been pretty good. A lot of aipstasia has been showing up which isn't a good sign and makes me worry about my tank ALOT. My jawfish dissapeared a month or so ago, I think he might've jumped out but I didn't see anything on the floor etc. I'm also getting pretty lazy on my mantinence so I have to work my way back into my old routine and start changing that water! I have a tiny hair algae and cyanobacteria outbreak. I need to do a real good clean-up on my tank though. I have one question though, can I fill up a syringe with lemon and zap the aiptaisa in the tank? Or do I have to take the rock out and zap it? :good:

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