30 Gallon Nano Journal...


My heater decided to break so the temp. shot up to 88 or maybe even more. So that caused the kenya tree to shrivel up and shrink. and the xenia doesn't look that great either. Everything else looks normal. I checked my params and this is what the results are.

Alk: 5dkh


Nitrite- 0ppm




I'm not sure if the Alk/Calc levels are normal. But everything else seems to be in line. Hopefully the xenia and the kenya tree recover from the stress.
Hi Mr September!

Looks like the tanks had a time of it but good to see your back on track! The Cal and ALK seem ok, the alk is a little low but the pH seems to be holding and without any hard corals to use it in calcification the only thing binding it would be the coralline algae. This would be so slight that will be fine. As long as the water changes are taking place these with replenish anything that’s used. I would like to know what slat you're using because some are fore use with tap water and have decreased levels of Calcium, Carbonate and Bicarbonate because of the levels in the tap water making it up. If this salt is used with RO water than the levels will be low.

Also you hitchhiking star is an Asterina sea star, while in small numbers are harmless they can and will grow out of control if the coralline algae is abundant because it's there main food source.
Yeah I'm using instant ocean salt with R/O water. I also bought a calcium supplement but the LFS never has the Alk part. So I have to either make my own or wait until the LFS restocks.
One of my bangaii cardinals died yesterday night. I'm not sure why, his eye has blood on the outerpart. Params are fine just did a water change 2days ago. Must have been his time since I've had it for almost a year and it was an adult when I recieved it.

R.I.P Twin #1 :(
Yeah I know! It isn't the same if you don't have two bangaii cardinals and I'm too afraid to even get another one since they might fight.

I have a peppermint shrimp now. It ate all my aiptasia which is a plus.

And if it's not a peppermint shrimp and it turns out to be a camel shrimp then can someone tell me...Heres a picture:


Heres the mushrooms...Something ate the two small ones on the bottom. Well now theres only one that opens up but half of its chewed off. I'm not sure why

The colt coral is recovering nicely


Heres how it looked before!

The xenia is perking up too...



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