3 Tanks Of Mine

Heres a few pix of The Jack Dempsey. I got a tank divider today.

As u can see... fins are real crappy.

And his nose is all rubbed raw.

He is already so much happier. he swims around freely. Eats very well. I think hes gonna be ok.

I want to try and get rid of the Tilapia.

Saying theres a full grown JD and just plecos in the tank. What could i do for this tank? Fish wise? Can i add juvi JD's? Ill check out some profiles on the jacks...

WHOA! I'd say get a temporary 10 gal or something and put him in it with some medication. Is he like that because hes being beaten up? or Was he just like that?
He was like that when i got him.

the Tilipia has done that to him...

Hes actually very lively now...

Whats the best action now?
if your not gunna do mbuna,then id get a ornate bichir maybe.or just a few bigger odballs.
a electric blue jack would be great
Well. id like to do the mbuna, but beings in 18 i dont know where ill be within the next couple years.

That being i would like to stick to something simpler.

Main question... can i add the same temperment fish (in juvi form) to the full size JD?

I got a divider for the tank but its for like a 55gal. ive got it set up kinda jiffy rigged. There wasnt any big enough for a 75.

The tilipa kinda broke through it through a side today. came home after like an hour trip and he was on the other side. he kinda reopened the JD's nose again. i was pissed.

I think i have it pretty well secure though.

i just wanna get rid of them both. or one of them. frusterating.

i would personally.but oncwe the jack heals up more.i would get a electric blue jack and then some plotyperous of some kind.
id stick with oddballs if i could.but i already have mbuna
I cant rememer if someone answered this or not, but is it ok to put fish with the same temperment as the JD, (yet being small in juvi form) into the tank with the full grown JD?


Oh and if u can tell me more about the polypterous sp.? id like to know what those are. couldnt come up with much on google
ploty=bichir.same species name.some one will come by with lots of info.

you may be able to introduce small JDs to big ones but im not sure.
that cichlid is a butterkoferi for sure.my friend had 1.very aggressive.the other is a whiptail

you are right that is a butterkoferi i use to have some ranging from 4 inches upwards and the other skinny fish is indeed a whip tail but i think that isn't an actually whip tail it is a kinda relative. i use to have a few they are the cheaper ones to get.

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