Fish Addict
Pepermint shrimp's eggs hatched :3

The urchin has succesfully eaten all of my caulerpa
Ah...the sand dwelling chitons. Does yours ever show its face above sand?
The urchin has succesfully eaten all of my caulerpa
This happened because you will have inadvertently let on that you wanted to cultivate the macro. The minute you have too much macro and try to get rid of some by feeding some to the urchin, it will refuse to touch the stuff indefinitely.
Also, bryopsis eating limpet (only eats it when you cut it's length down)
Some nice pics. Really like your zoes.
Yep, Amblygobius rainfordi. Rainfordi's goby/Courtjester goby. I would put his dificulty on par with the mandarin, he won't take any prepared or live food I have offered so far. He gets most of his food from sand sifting and nibbling at my hair algae.