I got a sea hare the other day. In 2 days it ate almost all of my hair algae, somewhat worrying because a) its big and b) my rainfordi needs it for food. Beggars can't be choosers but I have some in my fuge just in case.
I also ordered another PAR38 12 led bulb, 20K leds + 15K + 440nm (4 each). I did some thinking and I will most likely need 2-3 more (not including the one I just oredered) to get the coverage I want/need for dominant SPS.
My aiptasia has also EXPLODED in the fuge. I started with 6, not I have roughly 12-15. I'm considering abandoning the attempt to filter my water with aiptasia. The thought of them getting into the display is messing with my emotions lol. Toying with the idea of adding a peppermint to the dt but I have already been down that road and concluded that I hate peppermints (they are food thieves and LPS pickers). Also thought about adding a UV filter but that would defeat the whole purpose of going skimmerless (I might as well have one if I am just going to kill all the microbes with the UV).