29 Gallon Build

Hahaha, well I guess I can get to it and start making the baffles. Thanks for hookin' me up that's one less thing I'll have to try and find.

Picked up my first fish last night, a lawnmower blenny. Got lucky and found one that will eat algae wafers and some omega one pellets. I also found my first 2 pest anemones. They are very tiny. I tried filling a dropper with boiling water and squirting it into their hole but no luck. I had the LFS order me a peppermint shrimp ;)
Sump is built and drying. Have to say I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I'll test it tomorrow when it's cured and see how it works. Setup time is getting closer.....I can feel it. :D








Thanks, I'll post some pics of drilling the tank :crazy: and making the weir when time comes. I've also got some plans to make yet another stand and I was thinking about putting a little plexi viewing window right in front of the fuge part of the sump.....dunno might be too low.
Thought I'd add a pic of my ten gallon, it's pretty bare but everything in here will be going into the 29gal. Also a couple pics of the lawnmower blenny I got last Saturday.



Wow, off to a great start. Looks like you're handy with tools too, a great asset in this hobby :D. Really nice work on the sump there :good:
WOOHOO! Got my first corals today and they're chillin in my 10 gallon. That will be their home for a few weeks until setup. In th first hour 4 had started to open up. :thumbs: Will take a few pics tomorrow. I also got 5 more snails and some stars with the frags.

Went to the LFS today and picked up the new 29gal. I stopped by Home Depot and picked up some egg crate, a new chop saw, lexan silicone(for the weir), and black paint( for the tank and stand). Going to see if I can get the stand built next weekend.

This is taking me for ever but things are coming together and it's only a matter of a few weeks before everything is running.
Sounds great, can't wait to see what you come up with for the stand :)
Here is the first and only stand I've built Ski. Fish Forums

As for the coralline.....do Asterena Stars eat it? I do have a couple in my tank and have noticed little 1/4 inch long grooves cut out of the coralline or patches eaten completely.
Oh well they are neat little guys.

Fedex screwed up and my corals took an extra day to get here . I ended up loosing a shrimp, snail, and a few shrooms. If I had lost more the owner was going to make the 2 hour drive to my house and hand deliver replacements. Most made it so he said he would overnight another shrimp, few snails, and a special coral pack...free of charge :drool:

These people are great. They are in the process of getting stuff on the site but it's not bad right now. They will ship anywhere in the US overnight for $30. Bruce & Trudy - North East Coral
I wanted to get them just as something nifty to see on the glass from time to time but after a lot of reading I saw a lot of people complain about them eating their coraline. I personally like coraline more than mini stars that are often deformed and missing limbs (at my LFS atleast) :p

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