24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

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How do you feel about using the Hydor FLO in your cube? I've looked around for reviews but havent found anything but marketing/sales spin. Pros/cons would be appreciated.

P.S. I went for the DIY refugium you suggested. What a piece of cake! Twenty minutes of work. My Nitrates are at 2.5 and falling.

Thanks again for any review on the Hydor FLO!
No problem on the fuge. Can you believe that I have received posts...saying..that some people wouldn't do that fuge because they didnt' want to deface the tank? Sheesh..it's in the back of the tank.

I love the Hydor Flo..it provides some wave action and I think the corals like it. It's another piece of cake DIY. SH
No problem on the fuge. Can you believe that I have received posts...saying..that some people wouldn't do that fuge because they didnt' want to deface the tank? Sheesh..it's in the back of the tank.

I love the Hydor Flo..it provides some wave action and I think the corals like it. It's another piece of cake DIY. SH

I'll try the Hydor flo. The palm light for the fuge provides a perfect amount of light for the area but not so much that it excessively lights the are surrounding the tank. I have to say I'm more pleased than I originally thought i would be. It throws the "too difficult to set up a refugium with a nanocube" argument right out the window. 15$, a razor blade, and tweny minutes! Anyone who thinks this will detract from your tank think again.
Added a new zoo frag today:


Yeah!!! Pictures! Very pretty frag. Still waiting for the yearly update, though. -_-
Hehe, will stop bugging you now. :lol: Found the thread. Great work, not too long at all! :good:


llj :D
Howdy SH,
Just wondernig what you do to maintain Alk? I have just mixed some Kalk to drip starting tommorrow (after precipitate has settled) and was wondering if you'd mentioned what you were doing to maintain Alk in your nano. Water changes?
I keep up with water changes and use a 2 part buffer system, either B-Ionic or Kent's 2 part. That's it. I maintain my Calcium levels at about 380 ppm and dkH runs about 7. SH
As noted above, I had lost my yashia haze goby leaving the pistol shrimp alone and unprotected. Replacing the yashia is not easy as they are not found readily in my area. What they DO have tho' are yellow watchman gobies. I decided to avoid the shipping costs and also decided to stay 'conservative'. So...bought one. The goby initially was pecked at by my sixline wrasse. Probably just a 'I'm the boss here' warning. Initially, he parked himself under my orange plate coral which had MOVED on it's own. Yes folks, the coral moved itself into that position overnight (pardon the coralline algae):




Fortunately, the goby found the pistol's cave and they've shacked up. The goby is now making the same protective posturing as the yashia did. SH

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