24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

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sorry to keep asking questions

My tank has been running for about 3 weeks now all the levels are 0 ie nitrite etc

i have got 7 turbos 2 nassarius snails 4 reef hermits and 1 cleaner and 1 dancing shrimp

i cant run a sump or refugium because of space and i would like to keep nitrate down with algae

so can i put any type of algae in my tank and if so what 1 would you recomend

also should i feed the crabs and shrimps now or let them keep feeding on algae

many thanks for all your help

I don't go out of my way to feed my cleanup crew...afterall....that's what they are there for ..to cleanup. They get plenty from leftovers and 'floaters by'.However, there is nothing wrong with giving them a 'pinch' of something now or then.

Macros in the main tank are iffy...they CAN tend to overrun the LR if you choose wrong. The worst to put in the main tank..IMO..is caulerpa. You could try Halimeda or search out some types of red gracilaria. Shaving brush might be OK, but, not sure if it will have much impact on nutrient export. SH
Nice thread SH! After keeping my 120 and 30 gal FOWLR tanks for a while to get into the chemistry I have decided to get into reef with a nano cube. One of the great LFSes in the area has a stock 12 gal non dx with awesome growth. Between that and this thread I am inspired to give it a go. I am thinking of starting with some mushrooms, zoo colonies, and maybe a leather or two. I don't really want to get into stonies just yet and if I do in the future I think I'll do it in a larger setup like the 120 when I upgrade it. If this is all I keep, should I go with the dx model or would the regular 12 gal model be suficient. The LFS is recommending not going with the dx. I just don't know if the added cost is worth an extra light if I don't need it.
Hi..welcome aboard crazyelece...I went to school in Cincinnati. I had an apt on Senator Pl right off of Clifton and Ludlow.

If you have room and can afford it, I would go with a 24G but the 2006 model. It just gives you more room to enjoy the corals and a bit more cushion and room to add fish. If you are set on the 12G, which is fine, I would try and go with a dx model if possible. Under stock lighting, you should do fine with all the softies that you list. If cost is an issue, I"m sure the non-dx will support low light corals. The dx would have enought light tho' to support lps. SH
I was going to go with the 24 but there a a few even in our small local club that have developed cracks. One just did it the week before last, so I don't quite know if they have straightened out their problems yet. One of the bigger suppliers here had over 20 broken units sitting in their store last week and one of the other members said they saw over 30 of them there over the summer. I could afford to set up the 24 just couldn't afford losing everything if something were to happen.
Finally got around to finishing off this ever-lasting diary and have to say what a great job you have done!
This is a great thread for us newbies to combine pretty much everything we need to know After the LR is in the tank as well as great info on products and Mods.

You've got a good eye for corals :)
I'm going to make sure i'm very picky when i pick anything that goes in my tank so i can hopefully see the rewards that your tank is showing

Great Job, keep up the good work

SH, What type of salt do you use? Also how much water do you change each week? What type of water do you use? RO? DO? or Tap? Sorry for all the questions. _CF
No problem:

I use Reef Crystals.
I change out between 15-16% each week (4 gallons/24G)
I use RO/DI from my AquaSafe filter. Distilled water if I need it urgently.
Never ever used tap....ever...except to wash it out before starting.

Hey Steelie!

So, you moved to reef crystals did ya? I am still using the Tropic Marin myself. I am however considering going back to the PetCo Catalina saltwater. Things just seemed to thrive a bit better with it.

Your an inspiration to sooo many folks on NR.COM I am glad to see you have a good following here too. Folks can learn a lot from you. And your threads are very well done so easy to follow along with. KEEP IT UP!

Thanks Trekbear......ja....Reef Crystals...I"m having better success with it (bows to the sensei). SH
Blushing. Just a coupla added pix:

Favites, brain coral


Skunk cleaner


Green zoanthids


SH, your tank is awesome, also you have a talent in taking pictures. I have a question for you, you seem to keep lots of sps lighting in your tank and they are all thriving under stock lighting (3 watts per gallon) how do you do it?????
Anyways truly amazing

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