24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

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How has that black longspin urchin been. Is he venomous? Does he harm any of your coral? What does he eat? I might consider getting one later one. -CF
The longspine is still around and doing very well. You'd be surprised how fast that guy can move. He is thriving on the coralline algae. His spines have gotten a little longer and he HAS rearranged a coral or two but minor stuff. Be aware that they can get baseball sized or larger and eventually this guy may need to be brought to an LFS.

My average params:

pH 8.2 during the day and 7.9 before lights on
ammonia, nitrite are 0
nitrates 10 ppm ( been as low as 2.5 and as high as 15-20)
calcium 380-390 ppm
magnesium 1490-1525 ppm
phosphates 0/undetectable
dKh 9
s.g. 1.026
temp 80.5 - 81.7

wow,,i just spent 4 hours reading this topic!!! absolutely greatful for all the info...my 1 question is where did you get your quartz fuge light? i love the idea and am going to do it on mine!! thanks for all the great info!!!
Kenny..the light is called an Egglite. You can find them on Ebay. HOWEVER, you are better off, IMO, stripping of the vinyl on the back of the tank over the fuge chamber and using PC's instead. SH
Kenny..the light is called an Egglite. You can find them on Ebay. HOWEVER, you are better off, IMO, stripping of the vinyl on the back of the tank over the fuge chamber and using PC's instead. SH
SH, how is the Palm light working for you. After reading your thread, I went out and bought a 24g Nano also. I'm thinking of buying the Palm light and cutting the vinyl off.
A good read, and great as a learning topic, you tell lots of nono's and show us a few as well :X doh, but while I think you did most things really well (and better than me), I'm going to pick up one unmentioned (well it may of been mentioned and I missed it) nono. Ever since I started fishkeeping I've been told again and again never to add anything to a sick tank (stockwise I mean), and you added corals while you were having your big red algea (cynobactor?) & nitrate issue, what are your thoughts


Ok did a quick reread and while it wasnt during the bad bit it was right at the end (you added before final waterchangeouts), so safe for the brave? I persoanlly would waited a tad longer to make sure things were settled without meds, is this right way, since everything I've read in this section and in the first 1/3 of this topic really pushes slow and patient, well most diaries start off erring towards slow, a few pic up pace, also most topics asking for advice also get a good ration of slow, patient and careful
To Katchan....I'd have to go back ..it's been so long..but...I believe I didnt' add my first corals until a month or month and a half after cycling. My first additions were hardy, softies, polyps. I think I made one 'limit push' addition and it probably was because I would have lost availability (some corals don't become available for months or are very difficult to obtain). Certainly, NO ONE should add corals during an outbreak of hair algae or cyanobacteria. I may have made a risky choice, but, I always heavily research my corals before adding them as I do with my fish.

I have always recommended to go slow with nano tanks. IMO, no one should add any corals for weeks after cycling. To date, I have lost only one coral.....my purple ribbon gorgonian and these are difficult to keep under any circumstances. I was successful for several months and saved it once with a FW dip. I am losing parts of a colony of sun corals, but, that is because they are nitrate traps and I am trying to focus on several in the colony to keep them alive. I always recommend to people to avoid common traps/pitfalls with nano tanks:

1) adding anemones
2) adding corals right after cycling; placing conflicting corals in the tank and causing toxin wars (eg Devil's Hand next to LPS)
3) adding fish that don't do well in a nano (tangs, flame angels, hawkfish, some dottybacks, same species combos) and overstocking, fish that grow over 5 inches
4) adding non reefsafe/fish safe inverts...boxer shrimp, Sally Lightfoots, arrow crabs
5) adding potentially toxic animals...nudibranchs, sea stars and sea apples

...to name a few.

To Kenny...the Palm light is doing fine. My only rec would be to look into the larger one (?14")..it will give more light over the entire length of the back chamber. Be aware that there is backwash of light at night from behind the tank. SH
Hi everone

hope you are all well and your nano's are doing well

i have read this intire link a few times, and it has helped my out loads (thanks everybody)

my question is i bought some fuji cured rock and put it in my 10g tank and after a few days this appeared

can someone tell me what this is and if it is safe to have in my tank

all i have in my tank at the mo are some hermits and turbos

pic is not very good sorry

thanks alot

:no: help.JPG
Pic isn't clear...does the cam have a macro setting? It looks like either a small colony of closed zoos, or a type of mushroom. Both safe..but...not clear. SH
Thanks for the quick reply SH i will try and get a better pic


one other thing ref my lighting, do you think i have enough for my 10g

1x asl pc 9" 12000k Actinic 18w

1x asl pc 9" 14000k Daylight 18w

1x philips 9" pc 50/50 10000k/12000k mixed 11w


would i be able to keep most corals with that lighting setup

one last thing can i have 1 cleaner and 1 dancing shrimp in the same tank

b4 i go i found this very helpful


you may have sign up but its free

The lighting looks good to keep most stuff.....SPS and clams are iffy. I would only keep clams under very high PC lighting or metal halides. If you go SPS, try a hardy one like acropora or montipora caps before investing in others. Those two shrimp should be compatiblem however, I believe that dancing shrimp eat softies....that is, zoos, mushrooms, etc. So, if you are going to keep a reef tank, you may want to avoid that species. SH
Every once in awhile, you will run into tough times. Two problems for me:

- my skunk cleaner shrimp, present since tank inception, has disappeared. Funny how you can get attached to a 'stupid shrimp'. I swear that guy had personality....ate out of my hand

-tubipora musica, organ pipe coral, has been closed now for over 2 days...I hope I don't lose it. SH


On the brighter side, my refugium lighting DIY is doing GREAT....check out how much chaeto has grown in there.:


Nice 1 SH you are a star the chaeto looks good

sorry to hear about the shrimp

i got some better pics of that hitch hicker on my rock if you can id


also i have some sort of flatworm (brown) that came on some cured live rock i have looked on the web and cant find out what it is

are the safe or should i get it out

i cant get any pics as i only see it now and then

thanks for all your help
The central area looks open..still hard to tell:
-hairy mushroom
-an anemone of some sort

Can't tell what the 'flatworm' is.....perhaps it is a bristleworm? SH

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