Ok update ... in words only (sorry about that)
Riccia doing great
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Siamensis", doing fairly good sending out new leaves
Alternanthera reineckii ''roseafolia'' ('Pink'), not doing so well pearls alot but is slightly brown!
Java Moss doing fine as usual haha!
Riccia is by far my nicest and favorite plant now!
Its grown so well (only tied down around 9 days ago now and its already about 1cm and a half tall
It pearls too ... surprisingly!
On my ladder i get around 4 on it at same time about 1 every 7 seconds depending its sometimes one every 13 though!
Im redoing my c02 contraption tomorrow though! Making it 2 bottles instead of one to try and make it more stable
Still havent recieved my plants from Java hopefully here tomorrow morning!
Last thing...
I bought 3 lovely peppered cories yesterday there sooo entertaining and cute
Gonna get another 3 in around a week or so!
Thanks alot all
P.S Shall get pics soon!