I was mucking around in my tank and decided to pull up my plants as they are hardly even rooted and repostion them and also while i was at it get rid of dead leaves etc !
But Now all i have done is agitated the subsrate and the tank is all horrible and cloudy the sand has lots of the tetra complete showing through and everythings just horrible
Im really regretting using light coloured sand with the tetra complete underneath it lol!
Just read this part Richie. I have 1½" Tetra Complete underneath 2½ almost white play sand, and has never been a problem.
I've moved 12 inch long amazon swords and Crypts with huge root structures without disturbing 'too much' of the Tetra.
You just got to do it slowly. If you pull it out quickly then it will bring the Tetra to the surface with it, but if you do it with a series of little tugs until all the roots come out then it will not disturb the Tetra as the sand will fill the gaps eaach time.
Before replanting, cut the roots to an inch or 3 quarters of and then replant.
The only problem I ever had was when I got a bit carried away at water change and poured water in too quickly at one end which disturbed a huge amount.
I also have a spare bag of play sand for 'topping off', when the sand gets a little dirty (which it inevitably does) I will suck up the top layer during water change and 'sprinkle in just enough to cover the top 1-2mm and all nice and pretty again (I will only do the foreground)
Keep it up with this tank as it is coming along nicely.
I would ditch Dad and buy a cheap timer (£3 from Wilko) and set your lights up on that, then no probs photoperiod wise which should be kept as regular as other ferts as the plants will get used to it much as the cockerel gets used to when the sunrises an adapts accordingly during the year.
I wouldn't worry about your filter working for fish as the plants will take care of ammonia. I would wonder however if there is a problem is it affecting circulation of water in the tank as this will not spread CO2 evenly and also you could get some 'stagnant' parts in the tank which will affect fish.