15 Gallon (54L) Planted Tank

My nitrates were super high, I guess because I didnt do a change for almost 3 weeks 
I will actually have to do biweekly changes from now until mid-April because the tank has been moved.
AHHHH! High nitrates


So, I did a very large water change-

What is that? If you guessed a new backround, you are correct! Mine ripped-

It started out with a bit, and then I took it off and it ripped until halfway through

So, I started out with a black trashbag-

And then measured-

And if you need to mark on a black trashbag, get a bright colored paint marker-

 It works really well. That was a half dried out one too

While I was doing this, the betta was enjoying the siphon and top of the filter in the tank


Next I cut the handles off the bag and finished marking. My white ran out so I used a reddish pink color.

Then I finished cutting and put it on the tank, I miss my old background, and will be ordering a new one, but this is a very nice one 


Thats what I did today. I also had to rinse filter floss in water, and this was the outcome.

Im sorry for the pictures being blurry!
Also, I am sorry if Im overloading you guys with pictures, just tell me to stop if I am. I wont be offended, I promise.
A lot more neatly done than if I had tried the trash bag! It looks really good!
I think most of our buckets look like that after cleaning the filter media :lol: I know mine does.
Your boy looks lovely as per usual! :)
Ok, I wont be posting for a bit as Im not sure what to do with this tank. I have to rethink my stocking before I do anything else. I would LOVE a sorority, but I also want cories, and I can really do that. 
Any suggestions appreciated.
Looking great Ellie. Love the updates.

I would stick to your guns on a sorority tank. You have the perfect tank and that should keep you more than entertained. Plus all the varieties you can keep!
Ok. I decided to stick to a sorority but also add a bulldog pleco. I really wanted a shoaling fish but since that can happen, TwoTankAmin suggested a bulldog pleco, and I fell in love. They are wood eats, so I will be adding a bunch of Maylasian Driftwood to the tank. They also eat veggies, algae wafers, and frozen foods. However, this species of pleco really doesnt eat algae.

So, my final stocking plans that hopefully wont be changed are

7 female bettas
1 bulldog pleco
Some amano shrimp
And some sort of snail I havent decided on.

I may try amano shrimp with these girls to see if they will eat them or not. I plan to have lots of driftwood, caves, and plants so the shrimp hiding should be no issue.

I am also going to spray paint a peice of craft canvas black, using this paint-http://www.krylon.com/products/fusion-for-plastic/ - which is safe after drying for 24 hours. Then I will slip some rubber report covers of the edges, and shove it under my filter, as seen here-

Here is a bamboo shrimp on it

Pictures by Ninjouzata, new 129g journal for her can be found here- http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/429965-129g-planted-oddball-tank/

Thats all I have so far. New shopping list tomorrow, hopefully a bit cheaper.
EllieJellyEllie said:
Ok. I decided to stick to a sorority but also add a bulldog pleco. I really wanted a shoaling fish but since that can happen, TwoTankAmin suggested a bulldog pleco, and I fell in love. They are wood eats, so I will be adding a bunch of Maylasian Driftwood to the tank. They also eat veggies, algae wafers, and frozen foods. However, this species of pleco really doesnt eat algae.

So, my final stocking plans that hopefully wont be changed are

7 female bettas
1 bulldog pleco
Some amano shrimp
And some sort of snail I havent decided on.

I may try amano shrimp with these girls to see if they will eat them or not. I plan to have lots of driftwood, caves, and plants so the shrimp hiding should be no issue.

I am also going to spray paint a peice of craft canvas black, using this paint-http://www.krylon.com/products/fusion-for-plastic/ - which is safe after drying for 24 hours. Then I will slip some rubber report covers of the edges, and shove it under my filter, as seen here-

Here is a bamboo shrimp on it

Pictures by Ninjouzata, new 129g journal for her can be found here- http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/429965-129g-planted-oddball-tank/

Thats all I have so far. New shopping list tomorrow, hopefully a bit cheaper.
sounds like a great plan to me Ellie :)
Umm, no explanation.....

Really hope the mystery wont eat my plants. I thought they didnt, but they sometimes do. They will get enough food :)
Okay, got some nice pics of the snails. They all have names. One nerite is Squiggles, one is Wiggles, and the mystery is Coach. 

Squiggles (You can see how his stripes "squiggle")-

And this is Coach-

If you want to know why, a coach is a bus, and I found this-

Yep. Been amusing myself with snails. Here are some random pictures-




Notice how most of them are of the nerites. Coach has buried himself already, as the betta was attacking him earlier
Looks great!
TBH I personally prefer the plain black background over the woody one, the woody one is a bit too "busy" is that makes sense? IDK thats just my preference :)
Next thing Im ordering is 
Kens Premium Betta Food 1.0mm
Kens Veggie Sticks With Calcium
Aquaclear 20 Biomax Insert
Aquaclear 20 Coarse Sponge 3 pack
this will be $12.65 plus $8.60 shipping
After that I will be saving up about $200 for a new camera.
I got some pictures of Coach, because Wiggles and Squiggles are just enjoying the glass :lol:


Yes, he was entered for FOTM if you saw. I think Im being a bit cocky about them :p But, I love them. I may sex Coach soon and find a mate :lol:
"SHHH! Im hiding from that monster!"

I feel mean but Coach is my favorite :lol: The nerites just sit on the glass. Once I sex Coach, I will be getting him/her a mate so then I can have some babies for store credit :D
I got bored, so I did some shopping on Bamaplants.com and came up with a plant list!
On the driftwood
Anubias Nana Petite
Anubias Barteri
Java Fern Windelov
Breaking up lines of site
Cryptocoryne Lucens
Banana Plant 
Vesuvius Sword
Foreground/cover for snails and shrimp
Marsilea Minuta
Floating, just for my New Zealand Friends

Azolla (NZ Native)
Not sure how much it will be. Some things arent in stock right now so I can't put them in my cart to estimate.
Seachem Flourite Black Sand (2)
Liquid CO2
Flourish Excel
Liquid Ferts
Kents Pro-Plant
Thats what I did today. Also sexed Coach, looks like shes a Choachette!
Yaaay Coachette! Love the pics of her, she looks so silly and pretty!
List sounds good to me :)

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