15 Gallon (54L) Planted Tank

TallTree01 said:
How would you sex mystery snails?

Sounds good otherwise.
http://snailhobbyist.blogspot.com/p/d.html Like this! :p
Ok, the candy stripe pleco is being taken out, may still do a rubberlip but not 100% yet
Have some of the last pics ever of Phoenix, if you want to see. 
ALGAE OUTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!! Its bad, really bad. :/
Pea gravel so cheap?! I will make that something to do: visit dollar tree!!
Its not pea gravel, pea gravel is about $4 for a 50 lb bag. Just make sure to rinse very well.
Water change today, added some ghost shrimpies. Some pictures that I had taken of Phoenix, and some pond snails, which scare me, but I need to feed a teeny tiny little turtle. Pics to come :D
Finished the water change, now for pictures :D

Coachette is getting big too

This is how she was before-

She is even bigger now, these pics are a few weeks old..

I think that is it for now, long overdue update :)
I will probably go with wild bettas at this point, Ive been enjoying thinking about it though. I still am up to options if anyone has ideas :)
Mini Cycle, bacterial bloom, lost 7 shrimps. Been a bad few weeks. Lost a 2 snails, Phoenix, and 7 shrimp. Thats 12 losses in 6 months including the yellow lab cichlid and BN plec

Sorry for your losses 

Hope it all improves and soon things will be tickety boo again 
To make myself feel better the snails and shrimp will go into the 5g bucket with a heater, the filter media plopped in, an airstone, and maybe some rocks for the weekend. I think I am going barebottomed for now to hopefully solve algae issues, plus tank deserves a very deep.clean as its disgusting from when I bought it. The stand will also.be painted white. I will also give the shrimp some PVC pipe to hide in.
Question, how do I attach plants like my vals to.rocks? I also have a pygmy chainsword, can I put a small cup with sand in it and my chainsword to.make sure it has nutrients? Im not going for looks, but just to solve an on going algae issue on my sand. I will be switching to black sand (a mix of petco and Eco Complete or Flourite)
Tank is bare bottom :) Not going to paint the stand until this summer.
And a val has 2 runners off of it! When should I remove them? One has roots and is about 1 1/2 inches tall :)
About the future tank-
Rapids Mini Canister Filter (80 GPH, 5.3x tank volume per hour)
Aqueon 50w
Flourite Black Sand
Liquid CO2 and Fertilizers
Flourish Excel
Plant List
Jungle Val
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia
Anubias Nana/Barteri
Java Fern Windelov
Pygmy Chain Sword
Marimo Moss Balls
Tiger Lotus Red
Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+  (36 PAR at 12 inches, medium-low light)
2 Pairs of Betta Albimarginata 
Pair of Candy Striped Pleco
2 Mystery Snails
MAYBE a rabbit snail
Yes, I did decide on wilds. I love them so much and they are so pretty. My tank will be stocked nicely and I can't wait to get them. And I enjoy how I know a breeder who will help me along the path, thanks WildBetta. It means alot you trust me to (eventually :lol: ) have some of your beautiful fish in my care. 

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