15 Gallon (54L) Planted Tank

Awesome! When that fills out it will really be a great tank! Well done Ellie!
Absolutely beautiful change! Love it. Your betta is gorgeous too!
This tank will be about 80 dollars to finish, and the shrimp tank will be about 50-60.
My parents want me to finish this project first and then work on the shrimp tank, so I will.
I will be rescaping the tank today, and will give you guys pictures!
I also decided that today I was going to sift all my sand through a net for any big chunks of sand and any gravel I missed
Where are my pictures?! :p
I agree about finishing this tank first, though I know you're really excited for your shrimp tank.
Will be planting again tomorrow when I can see in the tank. Looks terrible as I couldnt see from the sand when I sifted it.
And, wooo! 5 pages and not even being close to finishing! :band:
Tank isnt enjoying me, filter died on me sometime last night and the heater got unplugged when I was messing with it. Tank is 72 instead of 80 (fin rot) Argh! 
That's a massive difference in your tank from old to new, looks great. That's sucks about your filter do you know what happend with it.. That's a bit crappy with the heater hopefully not much damage has been done.
Filter stopped again, but has been working fine sonce. Heater is plugged back in, and temp it back up!

I will be saving for a nano tank for a while, as it will cost $175ish plus plants. Yay for free shipping though! Will be making a plant lost here soon for you all.
-------------------------- NANO TANK EDITION--------------------------
Okay! Budgeted everything out for this nano tank, just shy of $325!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats so expensive! Im hoping I have the 15g finished by August, and then my birthday money can go to this tank.
Shopping list so far-
·      Fluval Flora Plant Aquarium Kit                $99.99
·      Flourish Excel 250mL                                  $05.70
·      Mopani Driftwood Medium                      $06.99
·      Flexible Airline Tubing 8ft                          $01.19
·      Flourite Black Sand 7kg/15.4 lbs              $20.03
·      Theo Heater 50 watt                                  $14.99
·      Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets                $08.49
·      Malaysian Driftwood Medium/Large      $07.99
·      Octopus Plant (3)                                        $08.00
·      Anubias Nana      (1)                                    $03.95
·      Microsword Mat (7)                                    $05.25
·      Java Fern Narrow Leaf (1)                          $02.00
·      Malaysian Rainbow Shrimp (10)               $32.90
Shipping+ Stand
·      AZGardens.com                                            $25.00
·      Bamaplants.com                                          $10.00
·      Stand                                                           No Idea
There it is! The stand part will be finalized within the next day or two and then I will total it all up ($325 is my estimate) and start saving!
--------------------------------FIFTEEN GALLON UPDATE---------------------------------
Okay! My stand is a mess! Pictures!

So my grandfather will be making a nice shelf so I can keep it organized, because obviously, Im bad at that.
Also! New swords came!

You will gets pictures of them in the tank later.
I have also had the filter and heater up and running since yesterday with no problems! Tank is back at eighty, yay! :D
Thats all! I know, Nano tank obsessed ATM

One more question, do you guys want to see some pics of the betta? I have gotten a few nice ones.
I was like OoO box pic, let's see it open..! NOOO! :(
Can't wait to see the plants in the tank. And OFCOURSE we want to see pics of your betta!
-----------------------------PIC HEAVY UPDATE :D -------------------------------------
The swords are in :D And my camera didnt want to focus, sorry

The java moss is taking over, will have to fix that issue here real soon

And, NEW GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Camera didnt want to focus for this one :/
The plants look great! Where are the rest of the betta pics? :p

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