15 Gallon (54L) Planted Tank

Great pics Ellie, very well done indeed on that!
Lol, Coachette 

Your list looks good 
Ch4rlie, whats up with you starting all the new pages? :lol: You have started the last two
Have I? 

Well, ok in that case, i'll stop reading and commenting on your journal then 

Mr.Phoenix got in a bit of trouble with the PVC :O Will have to resand.
Look at what he did to himself!

Anyway, so all the hardscape is out :O

That is the tank how it stands. I need ideas on google
Looking good, huuuge improvement over the first photos you uploaded of your tank. The only thing I'd do is remove that moss next to moss ball, or alternatively tie it to a piece of wood. 
I would say more plants too, but then again who doesn't want more plants? :lol:
tanks looking amazing ells :)
may have to steal some of your plant ideas for my tank if you dont mind?
Nah, I dont mind

Anyway, I was going to geg some money but that plan fell through.
What are ya gonna do? But. Since Phoenix enjoys the algae wafers I dont have to feed him very often, which is nice. I rescaped the tank, and will post pictures in the morning!
Morning never came apparently!
I may not do a sorority, as I have fallen in love with the idea of doing a 5g part and a 10g part in the tank, with 6 cories and a betta kept in the 10g part and 1 lone betta and maybe some shrimp in the 5g part. This way I can do two scapes, have a nice carperting plant on one side and see the black sand on the other, and really whatever I want to do while still have 2 gorgeous bettas. (Notice all of the stocking has bettas in it, Im addicted) :lol:
I'll say you do have a penchant for bettas!
Sounds like a plan, as long as you're happy with that, sounds good.
Pics of course when you get the chance and set up done 
Sounds like a lovely plan to me. Just remember the shrimp may get eaten :p
:rip: Squiggles. Gosh he stunk, that was gross
Coachette went off on a growth spurt, and finally. PICTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YEA! Waterchange today, pics after (Maybe! :p )
I'm sorry for your losses Ellie 
:rip: Phoenix, not sure what happened. Stats are fine. He got dropsy :(
On a good note I found Wiggles yesterday, hes all right :)
Probably going to do a wild betta tank with betta albimarginata instead of a sorority. I love the coloring on these guys. Will start out with just a reverse trio and some corydoras hasbrosus, and maybe get another female.  This will be a while. Need to get indian almond leaves and roobios tea first, as well as a bunch of frozen food. Like, alot.
Tank is empty for now, and its funny how the smallest pets leave the biggest dent in your heart. :rip: to my lovely boy, miss ya
Adding some shrimp soon! :yahoo:
Ghost shrimp.
Also decided on stocking
A reverse trio of Betta albimarginata
6 Corydoras habrosus
1 Pleckoltia vittata
A bunch of  Palaemonetes paludosus
Neritina natalensis
2  Pomacea Bridgesii (male and female, for a bit of money)
I was fancy and used scientific names :lol: have fun
Im only joking-
Betta albis
Salt and pepper cories
Candy stripe pleco
Ghost shrimp
Nerite snail
Mystery snail
Plant list!!!! Yea, that hasnt been finalized. When I decide prices it will be though :)

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