15 Gallon (54L) Planted Tank

Looking good Ellie. :)
Like i said, make that 15g perfect for you before moving to the nano :p
I want to see some betta pics too! about to update my journal.
Uh oh! Looks like the betta has fin rot! Sorry for the rotten picture....

See that black spot? AHH!

Now for betta pics! 
This is a few days ago, he has really gotten better.

This was a few weeks ago, look how much better he is now (above pic)

This was when he was first put in the tank. Sadly not now, he wont stop :/
I decided that I am going to put nothing else in the tank and just make it a sorority! Im not sure what I am going to do with my dear Phoenix. But I am absolutely sick of his tail biting. Im not sure if I can ever deal with a long finned betta again. Which is why Im doing a tank of females.
This means that he will probably go into a small tank for the rest of his days. So I will buy a tank and a heater, he will get some of the plants from the 15g, and live in probably and 8 gallon. This makes me feel so bad but I really dont want to wait too long. He is getting up in age (about 2 years old now) and is a bit less active. So next project will have to be a nano tank :|
Tank looks nice. Shame about the tailbiting, have you found his trigger for it? How about tossing him a ping pong ball to pop about the surface. Sometimes it helps the bored boys, gives them something more to do besides swimming about. 
I got some Prime Today! And I also got the shelf for the stand, Im very excited. Im trying to get pictures of everything, because you all love pictures, so here you go :D .

Pygmy chainsword is doing GREAT!

Umm, what else?
Oh yes! List of items before I do the sorority-
Flourish Excel 250mL
Theo Heater 50 watt
Rapids Mini Canister Filter
Cichlid Stones 3 pk
Malaysian Driftwood
That is off of drsfostersmith.com for $70.52 and free shipping.
Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+ Fixture 
That is also off drsfostersmith.com for $99.99 and free shipping
API Aquarium Pharmaceutical Leaf Zone 16 oz
This is off Kensfish.com and is $5.45 plus $6.85 shipping
Plant List- These are the ones I'm adding, not including what I have-
1 Madagascar Lace Plant
4 Pygmy Swords
3 Water Wisteria
1 1/2 cup of Duckweed
2 Hygrophila Pinnatifida 
4 Anubias Nana
That is from bamaplants.com and is $45.80 plus $11.40 flat rate shipping
7 female bettas (culls) 
1-2 females off of aquabid for variation
The only price I know is the 7 culls will be $45 including shipping.
There is the shopping list!
Very nice Ellie, very well done.
That stand shelve has made a great improvement and i bet you're glad you've done this. Well done indeed.
Your tank is looking good too, when plants have established and growing. i'll bet it'll be stunning. 
I think I will only do one more betta, It will be about $20 for it. Otos can be from $2-$5, and I want a group of 4, so I will save $30 to make sure I have money for more if some pass.
The tank is looking great and you should be very proud :) Your boy might be tailbiting because he is bored. Try getting yourself 3 or so kuhli loaches, they are a lot of fun to watch and he will be interested to watch them doing their thing. They are cheap and like the same conditions as the betta. I know my betta really enjoys patrolling the tank and the loaches keep him interested.
Ok, organiziation is key and I am very very very OCD, lets get to this!
I am doing this based on orders, trying to get as much free shipping as I can

First Order-
Kens Betta Pellets 1.0 mm
Aquaclear 50 Foam Insert(3 pk)
Aquaclear 20 Carbon Foam Insert (3 pk)
Aquaclear 20 Biomax Insert
This is $11.55 plus $6.85 shipping
Second Order
Flourish Excel 250mL
Rapids Mini Canister Filter Mini Canister
Theo Heater 50 watt
Mopani Driftwood Medium (10-12 inches)
SeaVeiw Background 24x12 High Background
This will be $59.16 with free shipping
Third Order
Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED (24"-36")
This will be $99.99 and free shipping
Sixth Order
Liquid Plant Pack Fundamentals
Liquid Plant Pack Enhancer 
This will be $22.96 with $5.99 shipping
Fifth Order
4 Anubias Nana
1 Hygrophila Pinnatifida
3 Crimson Root Tabs
4 Pygmy Swords
3 Water Wisteria
1 1/2 cup of Duckweed
1 Madagascar Lace Sprouting Bulb
This will be $45.80 with $11.50 shipping
Sixth Order
Rocksolid Bettas
7 female culls
This will be $45 with shipping included.

Also, I will only be adding about 4 otos to this tank if I want some other fish, I may soon. No khuli loaches or anything, as I dont want to overstock the tank :)
Whats happened to the Fourth Order? 

All very organised and looks pretty good.
Nice one! 
Hey Guys! Update time!
So, the tank has been moved to the house we will be moving to on April 14th. If you didnt know I was moving, I am. Its only about 45 mins away and the house is the same layout with a bigger living room and 5 bedrooms, instead of four. Since we have four kids, my mom decided we did need to upgrade, alot of us were sharing bedrooms for 3 years. I will be moving to a better neighborhood, and closer to the beach. Sadly I will be moving farther away from animal Jungle, and will only be able to go 1-2 times a month. This is sad, but it will have to do. Luckily, there is a petco near driving distance of me, and also a petsmart, and another local store.
Anyway, my mom goes over everyday to fix the filter, check temp, wires, lights, etc, and feeds Phoenix every other day, 2 pellets. I go over once a week to clean the tank and fix substrate. I will be going this weekend, and was just over as my craft stuff has been moved.
Tank time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has alot of algae growth, sorry for out of focus pics. 




Yep. Thats the algae. I think its green spot and diatoms, and I may keep it, for when I decide to stock with otos. I really hope they take on to romaine, I hate the algae and dont have enough for 4 otos.
The filter has created an even bigger hole today, Im disappointed, need a new one. BAD

You can also see some more algae on the rocks :/
WENT TO ANIMAL JUNGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics. Bad quality, used my phone :)

South American Cichlid Tank

Very Friendly, lol

Not sure what these guys are, blurry pic. I did love them though :)

Again, amusing me with their friendliness :p

Someone is grumpy :lol:



This guy was all alone :-(



PUFFER!!!!! He was beautiful
wow very nice read :) keep up the good work i love your tank and i hope the move goes well for you :) some great pictures there :D
Hey there, it's looking fantastic well done :)
In regards to the filter flow, you can baffle it by cutting a piece of filter sponge to size and then putting it over the outlet or if it's a HOB filter you can use an elastic band to seat it on the exit ramp (if that makes sense). I do this in all my betta tanks to keep good flow without it creating a current like the one you are having displace your sand.

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