130l Seahorse Setup

The netting actually looks really good, will give the algae something to grow up and it provides the horses with something to latch onto.

Macroalgaes are growing very nicely too.

Really hope the eggs turn into babies for you, good luck :good:
thanks everyone. :good: It's very exciting aswell as nerve racking. :crazy: It's just a matter of waiting - i keep looking at thunder's pouch - is it getting bigger? is it my imagination? wishful thinking? suppose i'll just have to wait, he's not giving up his secret yet!

Have a tank set up ready - just in case. Really hope i get some babies.

So it is baby watch and nothing so far it's only been 9 days since possible mating so not really expecting anything to happen till saturday, but then again these sort of things always happen when you're least expecting it!!

Will keep you posted
This thread has slipped through the net for me, I'm now finding it really interesting, especially now the missus has taken an interest in Seahorses.
I will be lurking to gain some valuable information.
Keep it going M8
Ooh Big C do I forsee the Nano tank becoming a sea horse tank??

I cannot even think how excited you must be kelwoo, I am excited at my angel fish fry in my 4 ft, I cannot think what watching for baby seahorses would be like.

Good luck
Hi everyone i need some help!

Here's the problem: Storm my female SH has got red stuff (i think algae) going all the way from her crown down her back to her tail. :crazy: She seems happy and is eating, the lfs wasn't much help as no-one knows anything really about SH. It doesn't look like a bacterial infection as her skin doesn't seem to be inflamed, irratated or sore and isn't bothering her in anyway. I've man handled her (trying not to stress her out too much) and have gentley rubbed one area of the red stuff. It comes off easily with hardly any pressure and from what i can see (cos now she's sulking) her skin underneathe looks nice and healthy, which makes me think it's algae.

So my question is what can i do about it? the lfs suggested more flow, but SH don't like high flow, my water parameters are ok, nitrates are a little high but it's water change time so not worried it's that causing the problem. Thunder the male doesn't seem to be suffering with it but he hangs out in the slighty stronger flows.

Any suggestions please?! I will try and post a picture when she stops sulking, but i don't think the picture will show the problem very well. Please Please Please help.

cant help but id love to know if you have any baby sea horses in the futur if youd sell them if your in uk how much and would you post them
Thank you anyway guys. :thanks:

Can't offer any help I'm afraid but I'd like to know how she's doing.

She seems to be ok, eating well and swimming fine. The algae doesn't seem to be causing her any problems at the moment - she's not rubbing or anything and it doesn't appear to be empeding her at all.

I'm also out of ideas, but is it really spreading?

I man handled her again and manage to get some more off, again there was resisitance and she knew what was coming when i put my hand in the tank as she tried to hide in the most inaccessable place possible. I haven't managed to get a picture yet as everytime i go near the tank now she hides in fear that i might man handle her again. It isn't rapidy spreading but where it was just on the top part of her head it now goes all the way down her back to the end of her tail. :crazy: The parts of her i managed to clean seem for the moment to be staying clear so it is a good sign. :good: It started to spread down her back when i moved my nano pump more towards the surface to try and agitate the water surface a bit more, so i'm going to try moving things around again and see whether that helps.

cant help but id love to know if you have any baby sea horses in the futur if youd sell them if your in uk how much and would you post them

Well things have taken a turn in that department - I wasn't sure if it was a successful mating but in the last couple of days Thunders pouch has got quite big and getting bigger each day. :hyper: This evening he was wriggling a lot and thrusting quite a bit - almost like a dry run for giving birth so i think he is definitely pregnant and possibly not long before he gives birth. Which is typical as the raising tanks that i have had set up for a while now ready for the babies have crashed :crazy: , and if he gives birth soon i am now completely unprepared - so he's bound to give birth soon. :lol:

As to the selling part i have to look into the cites regs to see if i need any permits etc..... but the plan is, if i have any luck on raising them to sell them, so i will keep you posted.

Well didn't that look like a complete ordeal?! :crazy: Other vids of SH giving birth didn't look that bad.

Hopefully not like that for thunder.
How have I missed keeping up with this thread..................fasinating :good:

How's it going with the algae and daddy? Think I would pm Connor for some help

Seffie x


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