I just want to say thank you to everyone for your really nice comments. I am really pleased with how the tank it looking. I was really excited when i managed to get that crab out so quickly and easily, my new lot of algae arrived and i planted it, everything was great.
So i thought it was time to sort out my first pair of SH's H.barbouri, simply seahorses had some arriving on the 6th and since my lfs couldn't get them i have reserved them for collection on the 11th.
I was soooooooo excited, my tank was looking good i got the crab out, sunny jr. was coming out to eat, everything was peachy.
Then ....... as i was feeding sunny jr. thursday night, out of the corner of my eye, in the biggest yet most in-accessible cave i saw i flash of a claw - and it was massive!!
Now you might have read previously that catching crabs from the nano meant a complete breakdown of the tank. As you can imagine/ know yourselves the horrible flashes of having to strip my tank to get the demon out began, just when the tank is was looking as i planned and with the SH soon coming,

. I became a crazy person, mumbling and franticly searching the tank for another glimse of the demon.
It wasn't long before he showed himself, gathering up a few scraps of flake from the sand - he was massive!!!! his body was an inch, with big mean looking pincers and bright red eyes. He had to go - eviction order had been served!
So out came the bottle trap. Now we haven't had any luck with these previously but i had nothing to lose. We set it up infront of his cave, crossed our fingers and went to bed. We came down in the morning to find ........... that's right nothing.
The bottle trap has merrit and in theory should work but it needs a vamping. So here it is the bottle trap mk2
Airline weights to hold it down attached with rubber bands, 0.18mm fishing line around the bottle neck and attach to the tube (handle) to pull it up, a prawn on the end of some more fishing line at the neck of the bottle going through the end of the bottle to pull the prawn and crab into the bottle, and finally rigid airline through the side of the bottle to hold the bottle in place whilst pulling the prawn. simple!
So set it up in the tank, all lights off, red torch on - waiting................... managed to attract everything (jackie, chan and snails) except the demon crab. So we started again, but this time gave the shrimp a flake each to keep them away and put some flake on the sand for the snails. It worked the coast was clear so let round 2 comense. Trap reset, lights off, red light on and waiting again. Finally there he was, taunting me sitting in his cave, moving one step closer, then disappearing. He finally found the bait in the bottle neck, i played it cool, i let him have a taste putting tension on the line so he couldn't take it. He let go and i pulled the bait a little further in the bottle - he darted back into his cave. We waited again this time he came out quicker, the plan was working, he had the taste and he wanted it bad! This time he went into the bottle neck to get the bait, and tried to pull it out, this was our chance, we pulled the bait into the bottle crab in tow then pulled the well designed handle to raised the bottle. One demon crab caught!!! In all it took about an hour.
And here is some pictures of the demon.
Hopefully thats the last of demon crabs, although i won't be holding my breath. When i get the SH i'll post again with pics. Until then, unless anything else happens, thanks for reading hope your enjoying.