130l Seahorse Setup

Hi everyone, i'm at work on the night shift (5pm 23rd may till 9am 24th may) and work has finally slowed down so i though i would update everyone on the tank's progress.

Crisis over - managed to speak to other SH keepers and to the shop where i brought them from. Aglae can grow on SH, in everyone experience is doesn't them any harm and as quickly as it grows it disappears again, as long as she is happy and eating well i don't need to worry. i will keep a close eye on her though.

Daddy to be is also doing well, we have had a few hiccups though, the other night he was wriggling a lot and thrusting like they do when giving birth - and i thought this was it, he going to do it, but no - he was just rearranging and in the process expelled a few eggs but he is still a bloater so he still has some in there.

I will try and get some new piccys up soon.

till then thanks everyone

Good news that there is nothing to worry about. Hopefully the algae is just a phase the tank is going through as it is maturing and will go as quickly as it came in the near future.

Did you manage to sort out the tanks you had in readiness that crashed??

Good luck, must be soon now :good:
Good news that there is nothing to worry about. Hopefully the algae is just a phase the tank is going through as it is maturing and will go as quickly as it came in the near future.

Did you manage to sort out the tanks you had in readiness that crashed??

Good luck, must be soon now :good:

apparently algae on SH is quite common as it has minimum flow. No i haven't managed to sort out the other tanks - working all week so it was going to be saturdays job along with the main tank water changed, but had to make an emergency appointment at the vets for one of my cats, so by the time we got out of there, i only had 1 1/2 hrs to have something to eat and get ready for work (which i'm still at - been awake now for 18 1/2 hrs and before my cover comes in ato take over i would have been up for a straight 24 hrs.....) still i digress, and i didn't have chance before going to the vet as i spent the time digging out the cat box and cleaning up cat vomit. :sick: :crazy:

So the plan for today is when i finally finish work to go home have a couple of hrs kip so i can at least see and tackle the main tank and the little ones up stairs. I can't believed they crashed - had a nice little tank of pods going - all gone now - never mind these things are sent to try us. What doesn't break us make us strong right?!?!

Anyway i will take some piccys once i've done the water change.

till then

really cool set up man!!

im jealous lol it looks awsome it must be so nice to have

keep up the good work
send more pics when you have the chance!! progress!
Cat is doing fine now, thanks for asking. Nothing really to report on the SH front. Both still doing really well, thunder looks like he's gonna explode now so hopefully not long to, bored of waiting now. LOL. Will keep you all posted.

Sorry guys it's been soooo long since my last post. Work has been manic and the nano tank has taken priority recently - we've made some changes.

So i guess i'll start at the beginning, as if i started at the end it would be complete madness!

The tank upstairs ready for the little SH's is now up and running again, with a nice culture of pods thriving.

The frag tank is also doing well with all frags growing nicely.

So i know i started this thread for my SH tank, but had to do some work on the nano tank which is why i haven't updated recently and i wanted to share the fruits of our labour.

In the nano we had a georgous toadstall mushroom (toady) unfortunately he was just too big now for the nano and took up a lot of space. As you can see


So he had to go :-( and that meant it was time for a rescape once he was gone.

So after the trauma of removing him and giving him a new home it was the joy and fun of finding some suitable LR and putting it in the tank. Hours later with some putty the tank was looking great - time for a sit down and admire the work we had done. :good:

:crazy: What's that moving in the new rock? It looks big! :blink: So up we get to have a closer look - and you guessed it - it was the biggest meanest looking crab we've seen. :grr: So out come the rock before the putty set anymore and the next 1/2 hour was spent getting him out.

With the crab gone and the rock re puttied back in place all was well again. :D We've still got to move a few corals around but here's how the tank looks now


And in celebration of the new look we brought some new fish - a carpenters flasher wrasse - Lou (which you can see in the last piccy, best we got as he won't keep still) and Slimer the green clown goby


With the nano sorted it's back to my SH's. Although i kept up with the water changes the rest of the tank maintance lasped and started to look untidy and in need of a spring clean. Before


And after



As you can see the algae is growing nicely all over, i had to blast a few nems and at the moment i'm not winning the battle - i think it's a stand off at the mo.
No babies :sad: Thunder was pregnant but i think cos he was so big he was wriggling a lot to get comfitable he expelled the eggs prematurely.

Never mind - but good news this afternoon (sat) we witnessed SH porn, that's right it was a confirmed mating and thunder is big and pregnant again. :hyper: Here's how big he is



Finger crossed this time round i get some babies. 14 days and counting! :hyper:

Everything else is doing well, sunny jr. has some new heads, Merlin is plump and happy and feeding from the pipette, both jackie and chan have eggs again and the pipefish are out and about more.

Well i think that's it for now - now everything has settled down i can keep you all posted more often.

till next time

Ohh i forgot to add the random snail pic - not very interesting but i think it's a nice picture and this is one of the snails responsible for dirtying my glass with eggs.

I love the tank, its so natural.
Youve made a nice job there mate.
How much are seahorses?

those tanks are sublime!

the nano reef looks amazing! and the SH tank is equally as good! fantastic mate! and congrats on more eggs!
Thank you guys, it's always good to get such positive feed back. :thumbs:

To answer your question YF it depends on the species and where you buy them from. My pair cost me £150 but there is only one shop I could buy them from, I have been told some species can go for £300 a pair. It's not something to do on a whim, I took ages to pick which ones I wanted and then whether I could afford them.

Thanks again for your great comments, it cheers up my day.

Your nano reef looks amazing, I love how you have arranged the rock :good: & your seahorses, what can I say :wub: beautiful. One day, when I have the experience & knowledge, I would love to have some myself.

Congrats on the mating, fingers crossed for you, how long will it be before babies hatch?

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