Ok so it's been a while since i last posted, so i think it's well past the time for an update.
Everyone seems to be doing well, infact very well. Both cleaners now have bellies full of eggs. Snails are going mad and laying eggs anywhere they can.
Snail eggs on the front of my glass
I decided that i needed some more cover and height in the tank, so i constructed a net out of orange rope and took days cutting the right lengths, gluing them in place and tying them with fishing line in place and finally making weights out of aquascape. I then did some pruning and tied some of my prolifera onto the rope to create a wall. Doesn't look much at the moment but at the rate the algae is growing it's not gonna be long till it's a complete wall. And the SH's love it, so do them pipes.
some piccys
full tank piccy
I have finally chosen names for the SH. The female is called Storm and the male Thunder. It seems to suit them.
I have a new addition to my tank - Merlin the mandarin, very very shy still settling in but is moving round the tank more each day. I will try to get a picture as soon as he lets me.
I have also added a UV steriliser as i know SH's are prone to infection - not gonna run it all the time just when i add new stock or algaes and maybe once a week. Thought it would also be useful when trying to raise the baby SH.
And i've saved the best till last - drum roll please........................
Come home saturday morning after checking out the LFS and discovered this
At first i thought someone or something had attacked sunny jr. but then i looked closer, and if I'm not mistaken (if i am mistaken please correct me) it was a small pile of eggs - SH eggs, i couldn't believe it. Don't know whether it was a successful mating i'll have to wait 14-30 days to find out, but they've tried

i know they've been doing courtship dances but wasn't expecting mating quite so soon, they're only just at sexual maturity. OMG i'm so excited
Here's a closer picture
So my spare room is now a room full of small tanks all set up ready - all i can do now is wait and cross my fingers.
Well i think that everything to date will keep you all posted about SH and possible babies I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited