130l Seahorse Setup

Hi Kelwoo....I am thankful we have a SH tank and poster here. Quick question: nems..anemone? Corals? What kind of corals are in the tank? SH

Thanks, when i said nems i meant aiptasia. I Have a couple of toadstools and a sun coral (which i have brought back from nothing)all seem to be doing well.

Can the SH's be getting stung? I thought no corals in a SH tank? SH
Can the SH's be getting stung? I thought no corals in a SH tank? SH

Plain corals are ok, stinging corals like hammer torch etc are a big no no, along with corals requiring high light intensity, or corals that release chemicals. The sun coral and toadstools are perfectly fine with SH.

No not yet still in the process of preparing for the big revamp and strip. This has been delayed due to my father being rushed into hospital. Still battling with algae and demon alien worm, everyone seems to be ok and in good health, and i can't make up my mind which way to go - hang-on overflow box or to drill the tank???
When i finally get started i will put pics and progress up. I'll see if i can get an up to date fts and some piccys of the SH up tomorrow.

Just a quick update, big revamp planned for the beginning of August. Rock drilled, pinned with acrylic rod, stuck together and is curing in the tank upstairs (almost 2 months now) Decided to drill the tank, so i have made my sump (£20 to cut the glass) cut may hand to shreds doing so and it's not gonna win any beauty prizes (gonna test tomorrow to see if it holds water........lol) last things to do is get the pipework and drill bit, so watch this space it's happen and soon!!!!!
Ok this is it, the time has arrived, revamp time. Tested the sump - it holds water :good:
Ordered all the pipework and pump, and it has arrived :good:
Just the drill bit to get then i can't put it off any longer ............................... Hit a snag,
Chris (my other half)suggested we went to the local fish shops just to look at the tanks in case the worst should happen when drilling it to see if we could get a replacement at short notice and how much it would cost. The first 3 shops had nothing the 4th did. Now this was the dilemma the tank in the shop was reduced by quite a lot but still cost a pretty penny (cos it was different tank would have to buy the stand as well)it's bigger, would it fit in the space we have? It's just a back up so not to worry about it for the moment - then our minds started turning.... Anyway long draw out story short i brought it. An aqua one regency 100, so i am upgrading aswell, from the 620t (130l) the the regency 100 (220l)

The extra space will help me achieve the look i want plus it will be easier to keep the parameters stable. So i now need to get more glass cut for the new sump. Luckily the pump i brought for the last sump will be sufficient for this one, bigger skimmer now needed and uv (luckily i didn't buy them yet) I brought enough pipework so that's ok - so the headache begins again - on the plus side i don't need to remove everything from my current tank to get the job started, down side have to plan a little bit more now.

Once my tank is done then the fun really starts as we are moving/ changing the other 2 tanks over - the river reef (95l)for my 620t (130l) then the frag tank upstairs (70l) for the river reef :crazy: :crazy:

Anyway will keep you updated with pic as i go.

Well just finished building the tank for the sump - tomorrows fun will be putting all the compartments in :crazy:

Have to wait home tomorrow for the courier to deliver my uv unit, (hopefully he will come in the morning)then i can pick up my tank and cabinet (2 trips, won't fit in the car in one) and then i can start drilling the tank and cabinet, (and when i say 'i can' i mean my other half can). :good: Yay!

Have some not very interesting pics of the sump build in progress which i will post tomorrow (if i have time), but for now i think it's bed time and rest ready for tomorrow.

It has been suggested that i start a new thread for the new tank, i'm not sure yes they are different tanks and it would mean new readers wouldn't have to start the beginning of this one to find out what i'm up to now, but it is still my journey of how my tank has progressed (even thought i've upgraded)

What do you guys and girls think?!? A new thread or not?

Once this decision has been made i will do an update.


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