I am. I'm also lucky that he is out and about a lot. Or was..I hope he continues to be after he gets settled into the 129.sawickib said:Wow your very lucky, all of mine don't seem to be eating anythinghe looks nice and fat!![]()
Thanks! I'm glad you like him. He stares at me a lot but will not hand feed yet. I dunno on the lace plant, I just put it in yesterdayEllieJellyEllie said:Very nice nin! I think the bushfish is my favorite! He seems very personable. How is the lace plant growing?
Glad you like it! I can't find it todayAlasse said:Loving the eel, how cool is it!!
Thanks bunches!Mamashack said:Great pictures, Ninj!! Looking very good indeed!
Thank you so much! I will try to update more often ^^'FishMonkey said:Nice to see an update on your tank, looks amazing as always!
Glad you like them! Still can't find the eelsCh4rlie said:Lovely Indian striped peacock eel and th eLeopard Bushfish, stunning![]()
This 129g tank has really come a long way since you first got it and started working on it ages ago. Wow![]()
Glad you think so! I have no idea, he looks the same size to me but I suppose he could have grown a little.EllieJellyEllie said:The angel is beautiful! How big is the BGK now? Great tank![]()
I'm not sure if the newest eel is eating yet. He seems to sniff at the food and then swim away. I never see the pleco eat but he is still about so I assume he is. >.<sawickib said:I'm so jealous!!! All your fish eat so well, ugh only my piggy eaters eat like that![]()