I am contemplating just letting them go and they can float around and settle where they please. Do you mean the pvc cave? XD Am not sure how to really get moss on it and make it stay without removing it.KieranBoyne said:lol. Hmm... where would you put them?? I was think maybe perhaps you could possibly maybe put some moss on top of the things with the holes in them.. the name has just flown away from me lol. You know in the middle with the 3 tubes I guess theyre called, well maybe some moss on there??? Just firing suggestions lol
Thankies!LilyRose Tank said:That's looking mighty fine Ninjouzata , well done
Thank you so much!Alasse said:Oooo progressing very nicely Nin!! Loving it
Thanks, I hope it looks good when it grows in >.< Yeah am concerned about the middle pyramid of caves..there isn't a way to move it any further back so the fish can't really swim back and forth in the front. At least not when they're bigger..I bet he's a tanksawickib said:Wow its amazing now, imagine it when you get it all and it all grows in, o and with the BGK make sure you kinda make large paths for it so it doesnt wreck all your plants, mines a tank lol
We could if we took it out and used fishing line but ehKieranBoyne said:yeah i did mean the pvc cave. I looked closer and there is no real way to attatch it... My bad. Scrap that![]()
Thank you so much!nortonmad213 said:wow nin what a journey you have had, it all looks amazingcant wait to see what you do next![]()
Yeah, some african water fern (bolbitis heudelotti), madagascar lace (this will very likely die but I want to try it anyway), cardamine lyrata/japanese cress, amazon frogbit, and red root floater.KieranBoyne said:Me as well!! Anything else going in there plants wise?
Of course.Fishmanic said:hope you don't put the water from the lfs into your tank
great looking fishies---Lucky (my blue phantom pleco) will be lucky to have such a nice new home
Thankies!Ch4rlie said:Great pics Ninj![]()
Thank you C: I have oodles more to put up already LOL he's too adorable.TallTree01 said:Fabulous ninja! Really nice.![]()