Mamashack said:
Wow, Ninj, have only just found this thread!
Amazing journey, have enjoyed every single page.
Love the end result - job well done!
I'm so glad you like it!
Thank you very much.
It has been too long since I updated, sorry about that!
Finally got some okay pics of the leopard bushfish.
Added one of the mystery snails from the 20g long. Hopefully it doesn't get eaten
Plants have done a little bit of growing
Added a madagascar lace and some four leaf clover yesterday. I'm fully prepared for them to just die but we'll see
I also added cardamine lyrata, you can sort of see it in this pic. This was mainly to show how bushy the ulvaceus is though
Along with the plants that were added..we got a new eel. Indian striped peacock eel (macrognathus aral).
Thanks to WildBetta for pointing it out to me from the wet spot. I was waiting on another eel so I could move it and Nigel in at the same time.
Nigel the half-banded eel is in here too but he did not come out after being introduced so no pics of him yet. Here is the most recent one of him when he was in the 10g.
I have no updated pics of the BGK, sorry! He is so wiggly
Here are pics of the angels that will eventually move in. Waiting on the eels to get comfy so thinking maybe in a month they can move in (if we find a 4th angel we like at that time).
That was Lemongrab, these next two don't have concrete names yet. Thinking of Diablo or Bandit for the striped one. No idea for the black one.
The black one does have some marks on him, I think these are from the striped angel. Hopefully when they go in the 129 it'll stop or at least allow them to get away from each other better.
I have a video as well though pretty much nothing went on during it. You do see the new eel though.

