Right, so it seems that the previous list:
2 (3?) x Cockatoo Apisto (i've heard they like 1 male + multiple female groups, but I think i'd prefer a pair)
8x Marbled Hatchetfish
8x Harlequin Rasboras
2x Bamboo Shrimp
1x Bristlenose Starlight Pleco
82% stocking, 125l tank, soft water, 80x25x50 cm
Hasn't had any major issues, so it seems like the way to go for the most part

Just a couple of questions before i stop bothering everyone (temporarily): Firstly, just to clarify the rule of only one species of gourami/Cichlid per tank, would that also include for example multiple different Apistogramma, or other similar species? I assume it would, but thought i'd double-check.
Secondly, before I finalise the stocking list (i say finalise lightly, as availability can mean that the best laid plans..), I though i'd do one last double-check to see if there any any small groups/individual species of interesting fish/etc I could slip into the mix? I'm not looking to double dip on feature fish, as that has been mentioned to be unwise, just wondering if there was a way to bump the species variety up just one notch before all hell breaks loose in the tank! Not looking for huge of dramatic fish, just maybe one or 2 of something just to mix it up. Not necessarily even fish, though i know snails are a no-go due to the water chemistry, and smaller shrimp will most likely fall prey to the Apisto..
I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to both those questions, but it never hurts to double-check. The stocking of the tank is an important choice, and I just want to be sure I get it right

Thanks again for all the wonderful responses in this thread, you've all been a delight, and I look forward to becoming more active on here in the future (if all goes well).