125l Beginner Community Tank Stocking Review/Suggestions

Thanks for the detailed information :) I think i finally (i know!) have enough information to build an approximate stocking list :D I'll use that to help set up the hardscape and planting, then leave that for a long while to cycle. Thanks again to all of you for the assistance!! Just to be cheeky, anyone have any good plant recommendations that are particular favourites of any species mentioned so far? i already have a few ideas in mind in regards to planting but I thought i'd ask anyway :) Already picked up a nice 'centerpiece' bit of bogwood, as well as a couple of smaller bits just in case, and some 'inert' rocks for the hardscaping. Just waiting on the substrate at the moment.
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Not sure whether or not to stand it up for the verticality, or have it on its side like this where it more resembles some morbid skull.. :S well, i'll have plenty of time to think about it. (i've already been soaking them for a few days, but i'll leave them in a little longer)
That's a gorgeous piece of wood, I'm really quite jealous!

Plant wise, I'd suggest a floating plant of some kind to provide cover for the fish, makes them feel safer.

I'm also gonna recommend vallisneria. There are a few varieties, but it's lots of tall blades that will reach the surface and often trail across the surface. It looks dramatically gorgeous, and most fish love it since it provides hiding places at any height in the tank, and provides some cover and shade when it's trailing on the surface too, which makes most fish feel safer and protects them some more from bright aquarium lights.
But look at the tall plants at the back here and the way they trail on the surface. Gorgeous!

Photo credit here: https://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2005/show116.html
Wales eh? Hmmm. What would you say to an Apitogramma that wears a Welsh rugby scarf and face paint?
Eh? Pardon? What’s that? You’d love an Apistogramma that wears a Welsh scarf you say? Well get yourself over to seriouslyfish.com do a search for an Apistogramma Hongsloi and all your plans are back out of the window.
For a shoaling fish I wouldn’t be looking beyond Microdevario Kubotai so take a look at them over on SF as well.

Gonna be just my luck to be posting to the one Welsh person that can’t stand rugby and then be accused of stereotyping.
How dare you stereotype!!! /s :p In all seriousness, those are some nice looking fish. I'd seen the Kubotai earlier, but i was worried that in a heavily planted aquarium, their green colouration would make them very hard to see. I could be very wrong though, it's hard to tell from images. Also, that is one funky looking Cichlid, though i may stick with the Cockatoo :)

(As for the rugby comment, while i'm not a massive sports myself, most of my friends are, so I get the appeal :) )
How dare you stereotype!!! /s :p In all seriousness, those are some nice looking fish. I'd seen the Kubotai earlier, but i was worried that in a heavily planted aquarium, their green colouration would make them very hard to see. I could be very wrong though, it's hard to tell from images. Also, that is one funky looking Cichlid, though i may stick with the Cockatoo :)

(As for the rugby comment, while i'm not a massive sports myself, most of my friends are, so I get the appeal :) )
The green on green glistens under light as they dodge between floater roots and substrate plants according to a mate 270 miles away who I’d not spoken to for 20yrs pre lockdown. I rang him on the off chance he was still keeping fish and he was, even sent me some plant cuttings when the lfs were all shut.
@seangee keeps em so he’d be the man to ask.

Im edging closer and closer to getting some and opening up a whole world of RO water pain for myself...
How dare you stereotype!!! /s :p In all seriousness, those are some nice looking fish. I'd seen the Kubotai earlier, but i was worried that in a heavily planted aquarium, their green colouration would make them very hard to see. I could be very wrong though, it's hard to tell from images. Also, that is one funky looking Cichlid, though i may stick with the Cockatoo :)

(As for the rugby comment, while i'm not a massive sports myself, most of my friends are, so I get the appeal :) )
I had the same question about kubotai since I like heavily planted tanks, but google photos really don't do their brightness justice. @NCaquatics keeps them too and shared photos of hers, and wow! They won't get lost, believe me, they still pop! NC calls them 'highlighter fish' because that green really is a bright neon colour. Hopefully she'll share photos of them here for you (I can't remember which thread she shared them in before) because her photos made me want them so much. Beautiful.
goddamnit, every time I think i've made a desicion, something comes along to turn it on its head once again :D Thanks for the information, i'll have to seriously consider it (i'd love to see those photos too).. Also, is the RO water for different water chemistry? That sounds... challenging.
Ah okay, thanks. I'd heard the term mentioned, but wasn't 100% on its definition.
My local Maidenhead Aquatics often has T. hengeli - they call them copper rasboras.
Years ago when I was looking for Trigonostigma espei for the first time, I saw some fish in Maidenhead Aquatics labelled copper rasboras which didn't look quite right. I asked and was told they were T. hengeli.
I have just looked on MA's website and there it says that "copper harlequins" are T. espei ????

If you do decide on T. hengeli, make sure you can recognise whatever MA might have in the tank with that label.
Awwwwh maaaan.
How many do you keep?
How bigs the tank they’re in?
What else is in with them?
Are Odessas too “big” “energetic” “ aggressive” for them? Or however it could be termed?
Could WCMMs, Odessas and MKs get along? Please say yes!
Odessas would eat these guys in one bite no problem!
Theyre super small. 3/4" is the largest one.
I have 7, I want more though. Theyre in a 20 gal long, but ive had them in a 10g fine too as they are a nano, just very active.
Ive got them in with a pair of sparkling gourami and a group of pygmy corydoras.

Their tank.
Odessas would eat these guys in one bite no problem!
Theyre super small. 3/4" is the largest one.
I have 7, I want more though. Theyre in a 20 gal long, but ive had them in a 10g fine too as they are a nano, just very active.
Ive got them in with a pair of sparkling gourami and a group of pygmy corydoras.

Their tank.
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I'm seriously torn between these and ember tetra to go in my otocinclus tank. I was thinking of leaving it oto only, but since they're most active at night and not really ones that swim around the tank constantly, the tank looks really empty and bare during the day, so getting some nano softwater fish to go with them is really appealing to me now. In the 15 gallon with just five otos, which do you think? How many highlighter fish or embers, or could I do both?

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