
  1. I

    Is This Helleri Pregnant?

    Hello,   I am wondering if this helleri is pregnant. What is your opinion?  
  2. J

    Guppy Swimming Head Below

    Hi everyone,   This my first post to this forum, I bought a small 5 gallon aquarium a few months ago and I wanted more so now I have a bigger 55 gallons. Water parameters are OK, both aquariums are cycled and water change around once a week for about 30%.   In my 5 gallon, I keep only 1 pregnant...
  3. C

    Pregnant Platy Possibly Over Due

    Hello I'm new to the forum and new to keeping platies. The shop where I got my platies from did not tell me that platies were easy to breed so you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw a baby swim across the tank one day a few weeks after having them. I know which fish it was because...
  4. L

    Pregnant Platy Questions

    I noticed a few days ago that my sunburst platy was pregnant. I've never dealt with this before but I did a lot of online research and made sure of it. I bought a breeder box and tried to figure out the best time to put her in, and I read a lot of the forums on here about it as well, but it's...
  5. D

    Platy Still Looks Pregnant

    My Mickey Mouse platy still looks pregnant after giving birth 2 days ago. I don't know how many she had but I've seen 3 so far that we're hiding. Do you think she will drop again within the next couple of days?
  6. Reannone96

    My Platy Is Pregnant But Roughly How Far Along Is She?

    We have two female and one male platy. He keeps chasing both females and like head butting them. He is quite violent towards them. Anyway, she has been pregnant a while now but I'm wondering when will she drop? She's eating fine but isolating herself a lot at the back of the tank near the...
  7. D

    Platy In Labor?

    My Mickey Mouse platy has this bulge at her anal fin that looks like undeveloped fry. It has been sticking out for 3 hours now. Will she drop any fry? I see many eyes in her belly. She is still eating well and running away from the other fish. Please advise. I've been sitting up watching her to...
  8. R

    Is My Mollie Pregnant?

    Is my mollie pregnant??? It is dark under neath but i got it from the pet shop afew days ago... i have a breeding box and i have put into there just incase, i have researched it and it seems like it is, can anyone help???
  9. hlc137

    I Dont Know If My Platys Are Pregnant

    Hi I dont know if anyone could help me....  I have had platys for 6/8 weeks now and i was unsure of gender when i brought them but i have later found out they are 2 female and 2 male. I am unsure if my 2 females are pregnant now, they have a black spot inside them and there stomach seems to have...
  10. N

    Pregnant Platys?

    Are my platys pregnant?????  
  11. G

    Possible Pregnant Red Zebra? First Time Ever Having Pregnant Fish..

    I think I have a possible pregnant red zebra? This is my first time ever with cichlids and especially with one being pregnant. I was wondering is there any way you can tell if it is? I saw it circle the other day with my electric lab, and since then it looks like it is chewing gum. It also has 6...
  12. Deepatlantis

    Please Drop Already!

    I have a guppy who is heavily pregnant. I've had her three weeks and I guessed she was about two weeks pregnant when I got her. She's been squared off since last Weds and last night she was guarding the area under the bridge so I thought she might drop, but this morning still nothing. I'm...
  13. A

    Pregnant Molly?

    Hi, I'm new to mollies. Bought this sweet girl at our local pet store, she seems a little on the bigger side. Could she be pregnant? Sorry for horrible pic quality.
  14. D

    Dalmation Molly Pregnant. When Will She Drop?

    My dalmation molly is pregnant. Can you tell me when you think she might drop? I've had her for 3 months and she never looked pregnant before but I found two fry a month ago. This time she is big! Thanks. Attached is a pic
  15. R

    Bloated Or Pregnant Dalmation Molly?

    Hi I am new to freshwater aquariums and need help. For roughly the past two weeks, one of my Dalmatian mollies has been getting consistently fatter. I assumed she was pregnant. But she's so bloated I wanted to make sure it's not something wrong with her. She is swimming fine and eating. Not...
  16. Ny82

    How To Tell If Your Guppy/molly/platy Or Swordtail Is Pregnant.

    Hi everyone, one of the most common questions asked is "is my guppy/platy/molly/swordtail pregnant" In this thread I will attempt to explain very simply how to tell she is pregnant and how to estimate how far along she is with the aid of pictures, week by week. I will be using guppies as the...
  17. NomNomTiger

    Golden Dojo Pregnant Or Hurt?

    I have to Golden dojos that I BELIEVE to be both Male, (Karl and Franchesco)   Karl is a lot bigger than Fran, but I got them around the same size and not too far apart. They have been buds for a while now, around 5 months at min. Franchesco follows karl, like right beside him, like he's stuck...
  18. S

    New Member With A Pregnant Molly?

    Hello everyone! I'm new here but would love to start chatting! I have 2 dalmation mollies and 2 sunburst platties in a 10 gallon tank together. Both of the dalmation are girls and both the platties are males. But the last two or three days I noticed one if my mollies getting a little larger...
  19. M

    Sunset Fire Platy Pregnant?

    Hello everyone, I currently have a tank with two sunset fire platy's and two angelfish. One of the platy's seems to have a big bulge in its stomach compared to the other one. They are both females but had been in a tank with other males before being moved into this one. I am begining to think...
  20. FishMamas

    Mollie Mom Freaking Since Fry Birth

    HELP! My most outgoing, happy and person friendly fish, a female platinum Balloon Mollie (who regularly lets me hand feed her) had a 360 degree personality and behavior switch since giving birth to 5 fry about 2 weeks ago.  She was the most outgoing fish in my tank and dominated even over my...
  21. BlueOrchide190

    Are My Platies Pregnant Or Just Fat? & Is This Normal?

    Hello! I need some insight...   I have 2 female platy that I purchased at different times during the last 3 weeks. One is a blue mickey mouse platy, and the other.... I'm not sure, lol. It looks like this, though...
  22. T

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hello, I have a 70l tank which is currently home to 4 Swordtails (1 Male, 3 Female) and have a feeling one of the females is pregnant.   I am totally new to Tropical Fish keeping so I could be completely wrong, however the dark spot (gravid spot?) near her bottom is getting darker by the day.  ...
  23. SarahMarie

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    Just wondering if my platy looks pregnant to anyone else? I don't know if the darker bit on her stomach is a gravid spot since I'm new to this. What does everyone think? Thanks :)
  24. G

    Are My Guppies Pregnant?

    I just purchased 1 male and 2 female guppies from the pet shop. They said my guppies aren't pregnant but to me it looks like they are! Can someone tell? And if so what stage are they at? THANKYOU   This is the youtube video of the guppies..   seriously...
  25. J

    Is My White Molly Pregnant?

    Hi all ...I bought 2 female White Molly's from Pets At Home almost 4 weeks ago. The girl in the shop said she thinks one of them is pregnant the fish does seem to be getting bigger in the abdomen. I am trying to upload pics to get more experienced people's opinions on whether she is pregnant or...
  26. J

    Pregnant Platies

    Hey guys, I believe two of my plates are pregnant. Both are female. I have 4 females and one male. And yeah I was expecting this to happen so luckily I had 50L second tank on hand. I have put them in a tank together. They aren't social with each other they both seem to keep to themselves which...
  27. Jessman

    How Is She Heavily Pregnant Again!? Photo

    Hi, my female yellow tailed guppy dropped some fry last tuesday, she dropped around 7-8 healthy live fry, around 3 deformed, and a LOAD of normal eggs. anyway, she hasnt dropped any fry since (not that i know of) and she is still huge and has a big gravid spot, she never slimmed down after...
  28. Jessman

    Is My Guppy Fry Pregnant?

    Just over a week ago i bought a couple more platys and guppies. on the way home i found a guppy fry hiding in the corner of the bag (must of snuck in the net with one of the others!!) anyway the fry has a gravid spot, ive heard that a gravid spot doesnt always mean that they are pregnant, and...
  29. Jessman

    Need Help Asap! Pregnant Platy?

    Hi, I bought a new platy just over a week ago, she was kept in a tank with other males at the lfs, i'd seen her at the lfs a week or so before buying her too so she must of been there for a few weeks with other males. since ive had her my male has been chasing her etc. and i have actually...
  30. P

    Pregnant Sunburst Platy?

    We have a 5 gal tank for our son with 2 females and the 1 male we had died unexpectedly about a week after getting the females. That was a month or so ago. A few days ago I saw a baby fry in the tank and quickly pulled him and separated him. He is cute and happy...I'm assuming only one mom had...
  31. F

    Is My Molly Pregnant?

    I recently bought some dalmation mollies as well as a few other fish. However I am pretty new to owning fish as I have only ever owned a betta or goldfish when I was younger. I think my molly is pregnant but I am not completely sure and was hoping someone would be able to help me and confirm...
  32. A

    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    I have a Balloon Molly who I put in isolation 48 hours ago because I thought she was getting ready to drop her babies. No sign of them yet and I'm worried I've put her apart too early and now she'll get stressed.   I've forgotten how to attach pictures, maybe I need to post this first then amend...
  33. B

    Pregnant Guppies

    just wondering if anyone can help.. i bought 8 female guppies last week and put them in a 50litre tank with 4 male guppies, hoping they will breed.. i know its only been a week but after doing some research i think some are showing signs of being pregnant. She has quite a large belly and at the...
  34. T

    Is My Platy Pregnent?

    Hey guys. Sorry picture isn't great. Just wondering is my plath is pregnant. She seena to be getting bigger and she she seems to have a white bitvaround her anal fin. Any help will be great :)
  35. C

    Pregnant Fish Eating Plants

    Hey guys! I have a question that might or might not go in this section, but it seems like the best area for it. My husband and I have a 20gal tank with 6 platies living in it. One of our female platys is pregnant for the second time, and has been caught as the reason some of our ferns in the...
  36. B

    My Platy Won't Give Birth

    I have a Mickey mouse platy that is about 9 months old today. She was birthed from a recent platy that I used to have. She is very fat and I was positive she was pregnant. She has been pregnant for three months and most people tell me that they are only pregnant for 3-4 weeks. I had her in a...
  37. fishkeeper207

    Pregnant Platy?

    Is she pregnant when is she ready to pop?  
  38. fishkeeper207

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    Is she pregnant? If so how long until she blows  
  39. fishkeeper207

    Is My Sunburst Platy Pregnant?

    If so how long until I get fry
  40. AdamTheZombie

    I Hate To Ask... But Is She Pregnant?

    I really do hate to ask as I know it's continuously asked. Sadly, I'm not even new to mollies or livebearers in general, but it's been a while and I'm quite rusty when it comes to identification. And I'm new to black mollies all together. I'm used to looking for a gravid spot, never really paid...