
  1. B

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Anyone know how far into pregnancy NY guppy is? I've only had her for about 6 days and I think she was pregnant before I got her but I do know that my male mated with her about an. Hour after I put them into the tank but in the last 2 days I noticed her belly was getting much bigger and it was...
  2. M

    Pregnant Swordtail

    Okay so here's the deal, my swordtail gave birth to like 10 fry yesterday morning, I had put her in the breeder box around 4am and I had taken the top off of the box and she jumped out around 6am and was swimming around normally and didn't seem like she was gonna drop the fry anytime soon, but...
  3. Cameronb_01

    Denison Barb - Obese Or Pregnant

    I have in my Tropical Freshwater Tank at the moment amongst other fish a shoal of six Denison Barbs. One of them, however is bloated. It is the second attached picture, the first is a normal sized one and the third is the bloated one next to one of the normal ones. I have had very few casualties...
  4. M

    Pregnant Or Not?

    I'm hoping you all can help me.    I'm just trying to figure out if my platy really is pregnant.  She's a yellow mickey mouse platy.  She certainly looks pregnant, and has for a couple of weeks. She's been acting strange - hiding at the top of the tank by the heater/filter and hiding in a cave...
  5. M

    Pregnant Platy Top Of Tank

    I think I have a pregnant Mickey Mouse platy.  She has been acting a bit out of the ordinary the past day or so.  She swims with the other fish, then hides for a while, then swims again, and then will sit at the top of the tank between the filter and the heater.  Is this normal?  The sitting at...
  6. P

    Are My Mollies And Platys Pregnant?

    i'm not a beginner but i'm definitely not advanced yet, but i'm really excited cuz i'm pretty sure these 2 fish are both pregnant =D, i have 2 pics of my molly (sold to me as a golden panda lyre tail molly, can anyone tell me if that's right based on the pictures cuz she's ALOT more black than...
  7. A

    Any Of These Mollies Squared Off Yet?

    Hi there guys! I've had these mollies for a little while, and I'm just wondering. Do any of them look like they're squared off? I don't have a lot of hiding places in my tank yet, so I wouln't feel comfortable just letting nature take its course. AND, I have black gravel :/. I have a netted...
  8. S

    Gray Plattys Pregnant

    Hey Everyone,  I am new in this hobby, but I am very excited with it( I actually talk to my fish in the morning, and they know when I  am gonna feed them). Anyways, I have a tank with 1 Big Angel Fish , 7 tetras, and 3 Playes. My platys don't last too long except for a silver female that I call...
  9. D

    Is This Guppy Pregnant?

    Hello again. I can't tell if one of my guppies is pregnant. I put a male in with her for a few days about a month ago. Unfortunately the female killed him while I was on vacation... He was only in her tank for about 3-5 days. I decided that my guppy was pregnant because she had a dark gravid...
  10. L

    Hi All And Looking For Advice, Please.

    Hello all.   I have a small 15 u.s gallon tank which I have set up as a planted community tank, mainly with live bearers for the enjoyment of my 5 year old boy (and myself, of course).   It is a busy little set up with plenty of plants, bog wood and live rock. It has been well cycled and has...
  11. D

    Pregnant Guppies?

    Hi, recently purchased 3 guppies & wondering if anyone can help out & tell me if these 2 look pregnant? I have a breeding net coming just in case & a small tank cycling now but I'm worried it's not going to be ready in time :/ Thanks in advance for any help given :)
  12. G

    Pregnant Guppy Died - Infectious?

    My poor pregnant guppy I had for 3 months, and she was pregnant for the third time when suddenly she started having this odd clear string coming from what I presumed was her birth canal. It had also yellow flecks in it so I looked online and couldn't find anything relevant - maybe the beginning...
  13. fishiwishes

    Guppy Fry Journal

    Had a few guppy fry born today, and I've got more on the way, so I figured I would start a journal about their lives. I currently have nine newborn fry and three fry that are 2.5 months old. They are all housed in a five gallon tank, along with the newborns' mother who hasn't finished giving...
  14. J

    Is My Platy Preganant?

    Is my platy pregnant? The guy from my lfs said she was but that was two weeks ago.
  15. F

    Is My Platy Nearing Birth?

    Hi everyone got 2 pregnant platys for pet shop 1 gave birth yesterday so have 13 fry The other one is pregnant and have put in a tank of it's own to hopefully save fry she is swimming from one end of the tank to the other quite fast and has pooped a lot today I am wondering if it's got long to...
  16. B

    ****experienced Guppy Help****

    Hi, ive got 6 guppy tanks and 5 of them are fine but one (red albinos) are not well. They have been in there for 2 months now, when i bought the two pairs they were 3 months old and one actually dropped a few fry within a week. Now normally id keep them in a ratio of 1:3/4 but the males now of a...
  17. C

    How Long Till My Swordtail Delivers Fry?

    I just got my swordtail fish from a pet store and have no idea on when it will have its fry. I need to know when to separate her into a separate tank. Also how many baby's do yet usually have?
  18. M

    Pregnant Glowlight

    How long does it take for a Glowlight once pregnant to lay her spawn.
  19. S

    Is My White Molly Pregnant?

    Hi, Can you tell if my white balloon molly is pregnant? Note: * Black spots appears in her stomachs and she got very big (round). * The male is chasing her a lot. * She stays in one place (at the top of the filter and don't want moves a lot.)
  20. AquaPit

    Female Pregnant Belly Reversible?

    Sorry.. I have a very novice and quite naive question to ask! If a female betta has a pregnant belly and haven't mate yet, will she be 'unpregnant' and back to normal??
  21. I

    Glass Catfish. Is She Pregnant?

    Hi so I got 2 glass catfish and i think one is pregnant as she has a big belly on her and she is always hiding in a dark corner next to the filter but I want to know what I should do if she is pregnant. I can get pictures if u need me to. But she is defiantly bigger than the other one and she...
  22. momof6

    Pregnant Guppy Wont Eat!

    My pregnant guppy who i about 6 weeks pregnant is sitting on the bottom of the tank mostly and won't eat, what could be the possible causes of this.    Here are my specs:    10 Gallon tank    2 guppies - both female   Levels done using the master API test are as follows:   Ammonia : 0  Nitrate...
  23. A

    My Platy Fish Is Pregnant Or Not?

    i attached my platy fish photo. i want to know that is she pregnat or her belly is swelling because of over eating? i f she is pregnant after how much time later i put her in breeding box
  24. momof6

    Pregnant Guppy Female Is Aggressive

    Ok so I have had these guppies for over a week now.    I have 2 female guppies both pregnant it looks like.    My tank is 10 gallons    I tested the water and all my parameters look normal except the ammonia spiked to 0.25 so I have added some prime and been doing water changes daily.    The...
  25. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Forever?

    So before everyone tries to say "You must have a Balloon Platy" I have zero balloon platys.    Anyway, around a month ago, going on 2 months, I got a female platy. she must have been newly pregnant because it wasnt long after i purchased her, that her belly began to get rounder and rounder. Well...
  26. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Platy - Help!

    So I've had my platies around 3-4 weeks now. I believe one of my females was newly pregnant when I purchased her. She is very round now and her stomach is starting to get "boxy" like everyone has said before they give birth. Her stomach has looked like this going on 2 weeks now. She has been...
  27. A

    New To Tropical Fish

    I have a new tropical tank which we set up last weekend and have 4 guppies in it.   Now the issue i have is that 2 of the guppies are female and are pregnant. What is the best way to handle this?   As its such a new tank it has not cycled yet and so will the introduction of the fry be harmful?  ...
  28. ArsenalFan11

    Is This Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    Currently in a hatchery, been in tank for around a month and a half, rarely comes out. Definitely female. Please help! Any suggestions and questions are welcome!  
  29. mrstwalker

    Time For Fry?!

    It has been awhile since I have kept platys and I was wondering if you all could boost my memory.    One of my females is  VERY pregnant, it seems that the bottom of her stomach is "flat-round" and her anal vent is swollen i believe. she is still very active.   Could it be time for her to give...
  30. M

    Pregnant Tiger Barb? Green Splodge On Glass?

    Hi, I am slightly panicking at the moment because I am unsure as to 2 things going on in my tank. Firstly my tiger barb is very fat and I'm almost 100% sure she's pregnant. However I have just noticed a green splodge about 1cm by 1cm with darker green dots in the middle on the side of the tank...
  31. mrstwalker

    Is My Fish Pregnant?

    Hi So it has been quite a long time since I have kept fish, recently I got 6 platies for my tank. I wasnt trying to breed them so I chose them randomly, sure enough I ended up with 3 males and 3 females (one of which could be a late developing male, i cant really tell, but we will just stick...
  32. F

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    Is my guppy pregnant. I've had the fish for about 1 month. There are 2 females and one male in the tank. Details.... 4.5 gallon tank 3 guppies Had them for about 1 month 78 degrees Good filter Female has a black gravid spot This question has been driving my CRAZY!! Sorry the pics are...
  33. ChancesMama

    Is This Tank Okay For Live Bearing?

    Hello everyone, I've been preparing for my blue Fancy guppy I bought from Pet Quarters to give birth (she was pregnant when I bought her). And today while she (Fionna) was in the breeder trap, I noticed that my Orange female (yet to be named) was boxed off. I'd never seen a boxed off guppy in...
  34. F

    Breeding Platys

    Hi All, I am quite new to fish keeping, only been doing it for about a year. I have had my platys now for about 5 months and I have noticed that definitely one, maybe two are rounder in the belly. At first I thought they had just eaten more than normal, but they aren't getting smaller, so now...
  35. P

    Can I Put Newborns With My Other Fry?

    I have 7 pineapple platy fry that are aprox. 2 months old and their mother is pregnant again. They have their own ten gallon tank for them to grow in until they are big enough to be put with the adults. They have plenty of room and the tank has great levels in ph, temp ect. I'd say the babies...
  36. M

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hi there, I recently purchased one female and one male swordtail, I have had them in my community tank for about 12 days. I am really keen for my swordtail to have fry, but I am not sure if she is pregnant or not! I will attach an image of the fish below.. If the fish is not pregnant I would...
  37. F

    When Will My Guppy Have Fry?

    Pictures aren't great, sorry no idea how long she's been pregnant
  38. F

    Platy Is Pregnant Move To Cory Tank?

    I have a pregnant wag tail platy about a week into the pregnancy. I have 3 tanks available to move her to and and let fry develop in. options are as follow 10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco 2 synodontus catfish a male and female...
  39. M

    Pregnant Platy? Urgent!

    Hey Everyone! I need help quick, lately I have noticed that one of my platys is growing larger in the stomach area then the other. I have attached some pictures below of the platies so you can compare them. In the tank i also have two angelfish, two red mm platies and then these guys. If she is...
  40. Julianmiles123

    Female Guppy Help

    I bought 6 females from my local pet store hoping too breed them with my two males an when I got home I noticed a baby in the bag so I figured one of them where having baby's but later saw that they all have what looks like a gravid spot I canst really tell cause they are all dark at the tail...