
  1. CoryLover95

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    It never ends, LOL.  So now I think one of my Platys might be pregnant. I have 2 Platys and am feeding them both the same amount.  (They live in a community aquarium, so they both have access to the same amount of food.)  One of them has started paling slightly in color and her abdomen has...
  2. A

    Should I Be Concerned?

    My guppy is still in the process of having her fry, I was just wondering how long they normally take to give birth to each fry, she has had the bottom half (tail) of a fry hanging out for a this normal?
  3. lindaf92485

    Preggo Black Molly?

    I have a black molly that i think is pregnant. other fish mates include 2 columbian tetras 2 bleeding hearts 2 ruby sharks 1 large (and mean) angelfish 1 other black molly 1 sucker fish 30 gal tank there is plenty of fake plants and a log that she is content to hide in and call her own. she is...
  4. M

    Young Guppy Pregnant

    One of my female guppies is only about 2 or 3 months old and she is pregnant again for the 2nd time.  I notices tiny black eyes moving around in her stomach last night.  Can anyone tell me how far along she is?   
  5. G

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant?!?!

    These are some pictures of my new balloon molly.  Her stomach seems bigger than the others and her behavior also seems different.  I'm not really sure what a gravid spot is supposed to look like.  I was wondering if anyone can tell if she might be pregnant.
  6. T

    Changing Water In My Tank

    Hi everyone! It's my first time setting up a planted fish tank. I placed 7 guppies in a 3 gallon tank with aerator only after 10 days the water went murky so, I installed a water filter. I plan to clean up the whole tank tomorrow changing the water because the stones at the bottom are looking...
  7. Moolly

    Pregnant Sailfin Issues

    So I have a heavily pregnant sailfin, she is completely squared off and looks ready to pop. But the male just won't stop going after her. Ideally I'd like to put her in the nursery I have set up to make sure that both her and the fry are safe - but I don't want to stress her out even more!   I...
  8. D

    Snow White Platy

    Hi, New to this forum but I had a question. I have had this platy for a while, she is solid white and is now pregnant by a calico Mickey Mouse platy (don't know if that's the name, just what it looks like to me). But I was wondering how rare she is? I've never seen a solid white one and when I...
  9. Mackenzilynn

    Pregnant Molly?

    I picked up a molly at the pet store two weeks ago. When I got her I was told she was probably pregnant, becasue of her size. I waited a week and then placed her in a breeder net - this was a week ago. Now she is not really moving at the bottom of her net. I'm not sure whether I've just...
  10. W

    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Hi everyone! Yesterday I bought 2 guppies (female) and 2 mollies (male and female) for my new tank. It has been cycling for over one month without fish and since then the ammonia levels have reached zero. Yesterday the fish were happily swimming around, however my Black Molly seemed to be the...
  11. A

    Might Have Goofed On This One

    Hi guys, I just set up my tank and got a few fish (don't worry I let it cycle for about a week before adding them) and I noticed when I got my Marble Mollies home that one of them looked quite large. I was in a giddy rush at the store and didn't notice while I was there. After doing...
  12. Jessalyn

    Think My 2 Mollies May Be Pregnant .

    So I'm a Very New fish Mommy, and I have Five Babies in all so Far, in my Twelve gallon tank. I believe my Dalmatian Mollie, and my Gold/Dalmatian, May be Pregnant, but I am New to this, I have no clue. Help? I am Prepared with a Breeding box, but I was wondering if I Should eventually get a...
  13. J

    Is My Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    I think I came to the right place I bought her at pet smart and I'm wondering if she's pregnant or just fat here's my video thank :) I'm new to tropical fish
  14. J

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant? Urgent.

    Some people may not see this as an emergency but it is quite urgent, I have a female balloon molly, another different type of male molly and an angel fish all together in a tank, they've been getting on fine for the months they've been together but all of a sudden my female balloon molly has at...
  15. J

    Is My Dalmation Molly Pregnant?

    Hello! I am new to mollys and have just purchased my first last week. I have noticed that since i have had my molly its belly has been growing! She started out playing around with the other mollies but the past 2 days has been hiding in the plants or other ornaments i have! Not sure if that...