I feel like she has been pregnant for a long time although I'm not sure on the exact amount of time. She has these white things by her anal fin and has for over a week now. What do you guys think?
I recently got a guppy, and today while watching her I noticed she has a decent sized, dark gravid spot. I know that females can have gravid spots without being pregnant, but this one seems a little large to me. I’m still new to keeping fish and I have never dealt with a pregnant fish so I...
Hello, I am having a little complication with about several of my female guppies. They just won't drop their fry. They are huge and look as if they are balloons on the verge of popping. Now between them they are going on about a month and a half to 2 months without dropping any fry and I know...
hello guys,
I’ve currently got a 180l (40g I believe) tank, with dwarf hair grass, other live plants, and some hiding places etc.
I’ve got 4 male guppy’s and 12 female guppy’s with 4 shrimp.
I’ve noticed a female (I believe) guppy has a swollen belly, eats fine swims fine etc but sometimes...
Babies abound!! Here are some peacock cichlid eggs we found and incubated.
Here are some peacock cichlid babies that just started free-swimming:
And we have a guppy that is about to BURST!
Beautiful black molly. Brought home not too long ago. How long do you think this mommy-to-be has left until she meets her babes?? Hard to tell on the black mollies. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Maybe I can get a better one...
I'm new to guppys, and wondered whether anyone could tell us if the one we have looks pregnant.
I've looked online, but there are different things posted everywhere so I cannot find the answer!
The fish, I wouldn't say is extremely fat, but has a dark gravid spot.
Anyone help?
I just noticed that one of my guppies was looking larger than it used to. I haven’t noticed this before but my dad has been feeding it for 5 days and i don’t think he was over feeding them. When I bought them it said they were all males but i know sometimes they get the genders wrong at pet...
Hi all,
I think my Rosy Barb may be laying eggs?
I have 6 plattys, 2 rosy barbs in the 30l tank.
I have attached images below, she seems to be a lot bigger than what she was a week ago. And she’s often hiding behind the “rock” we have in the tank which she never used to do. Could...
My female guppy has always been on the bigger side so I’m not sure if she’s pregnant right now or not. I got her 2 weeks ago and she’s been fine but today after a water change I noticed she has some red spots on her. There might also be some white fuzz near the spots? But it’s very subtle so I...
As the title says: I have a pregnant guppy, been rather inactive for two days, which I know is fairly normal for pregnancy, but today she has developed a bulge near her anal fin. Surprisingly, she has come out of hiding, and is much more active than the last two days, but the bulge is...
For the last week, Donna has acted like she was ready to give birth (gradually growing belly, hanging out by the filter, not eating much, nipping at the other fish who come near, etc). Last night I noticed that some of the scales on her chest are sticking out, and my son (13 years old and fish...
hello i have a black molly and i don’t know if it’s pregnant or if it is a male, a man ant the pet shop wanted to throw him in the garbage and i just took it
here are some photos of it
please help me cause i don’t know what to do
We just recently lost a female molly due to who knows what. No other issues in the tank, she just never grew then started acting completely strange and died.
So we bought a Dalmatian lyre tail for our very large and "needy" black molly so he could have 3 females again. Mind you, he and the...
I'm very new to the tropical fish hobby and at the moment I have a Gourami, Balloon Molly, Swordtail and Molly, they've all been together for about 1 week.
Yesterday we noticed lots of fry in the tank, but we completely missed the birthing process and realised we have no idea of the gender...
I have 3 female guppies which are pregnant 1 is massive and have been pregnant for 3 months and haven’t had 1 fry she is massive and looks like she is going to drop..
I got my mickey mouse platy a bit more than a week ago and she's paired with another female and a male, she's gotten really big and hides in the corner. Is she pregnant?
I recently got 2 sunset platys and I originally thought they were both boys. Especially since the bigger one chased the littler one around a lot (it doesnt do that anymore though, for some reason. Maybe they worked it out?). But after some research apparently, the girls have rounder, fan-shaped...
Hi, I've recently noticed that my dalmation molly looks bigger and her gravid spot is getting darker... I've never had babies before! I know what to do, but I'm just not sure if she's pregnant. I'll attach pictures:
Hello, I got this female about 2 weeks now(I cannot recall whether she was pregnant when I got her).
I know there are many posts about this but I'm just having trouble identifying whether she is squared off or not. I am also pretty positive I can see the fry's eyes in the first pic. If anyone...
I have 2 silver mollies both I purchased recently. They are big and have squarish bellies. Wondering if they are possibly pregnant and if so how do I care for the fry?
Hi! I became a tropical fish lover shorty after Christmas. Have had a 55 gallon cycled tank with good parameters since. Have one rainbow shark, 8 neon tetras, five glow fish, three mollys, and a yellow mystery snail. Yesterday my pregnant molly started shaking off and on and today is spending...
I just got 8 mickey mouse platys from somebody who had so many and they are with my mickey mouse molly now. I got one that was pretty little and looked juvenile or too young, but she looks pregnant. New to platys. Help me thanks.
I have a community tank, and there are 2 females and like 4 males.
I've noticed that especially one of the females has quite a big tummy. So i decide to separate incase. I moved 2 female and 1 male into another tank.
We have a fancy guppy who we believed to be pregnant. We just moved her into her own tank a few days ago so our other fish wouldn't eat all the fry, and last night she looked like she was in labor. However, when we came down this morning, there were bubble/egg like balls floating on the top of...
I recently bought 3 female guppies and one of them is pregnant and ready to give birth but she's in my community 54l tank and not in the 20l tank I set up due to wanting to run it for a good few days. She looks ready to go into labour any time soon but my question is would it be too stressful to...
Hello all,
I am still pretty new to owning fish and shrimp. I noticed one of my little ghost shrimp have 3-4 small green things in its belly and I was curious if it was pregnant. I did search around the internet and I could not find much, mostly everything I found said there should be a lot...
Hello Everyone,
I am quite new to fishkeeping, but after cycling my tank , introducing guppies and shrimp, all seems to be going well. I now have 4 males, 8 females and 2 shrimp in my tank. When i brought the first lot of fish (2 males, 4 females), 3 of these females seemed to be pregnant ( I...
Okay so i'm not sure if i can call my platy fry anymore. I have two pregnant platies in a tank waiting to give birth and about 4 months ago there was a batch of fry, later there are 3 now grown to the size of a neon tetra. All are females and are housed with 2 males.
One female has a much...
My goldfish has gotten fat over the past few weeks very quickly and i cant tell if it has a disease, bloating or is pregnant. Its been going on for at least 2 months. She is a comet goldfish so the belly shows. Her scales are not puffy and she does not have symptoms like dropsy. She is swimming...
Hi there!
I have two Red Swordtails (one male and one female) and I added three Green Swordtails (two male, one female) about a week ago. Everything was going fine at first, but the last couple of days, I've noticed the Green female is constantly chasing off both of the Red Swordtails, and...
I went to my LFS to buy some shrimp for my tank. I had no particular shrimp in mind but I saw the ghost shrimp so I bought 5 of them. They are really cool, but upon putting them in my tank, I saw one had green bubbles under her tail and looked it up and sure enough, she is pregnant. I don't know...
Hi all!
I am new to this forum. The reason why I have created an account here is because I am quite confused with whether my swordtail is pregnant or not. I have read some articles about the pregnancy in swordtail and they all seem to have a rounded shape when if they are pregnant and is about...
Hi I just got a Platy fish and im really not sure if its pregnant or not or just a bit fat ?? Please help !! ps- sorry its not the best quality picture-
Hello everyone. I am looking for a bit of help. I've got two angelfish that I am trying to determine sexes for, I have a feeling both are female, but I've never sexed angelfish before. Also I have been observing breeding activity between my swordtails, so I am wondering if they are pregnant. I...
My fish gave birth to a bunch of fry about three weeks ago... but I noticed just now that its tummy looks a little swollen. Sorry for the bad picture, but does it LOOK pregnant?
I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, but it won't let me upload a file, so I created a tweet with a picture, if you...
Purchased this female guppy about 2 weeks ago from LFS. It has a black gravid spot - (I think).
Could anyone confirm if the fish is pregnant or not?
Currently feed on a mixture of Frozen Daphne, veg & flake food. Is there anything else I should be adding to the diet if the fish is...
So I bought a Molly from my LFS maybe 2 months ago, she's now looking quite large, but not huge and fairly square. I don't have any male mollies in the tank( community including a plecy, angelfish, platies and Pakistani loaches) though I have read they can store sperm/eggs. Can anyone tell me if...