
  1. N

    Ready to give birth?

    Hey y’all, does she look like she’s ready to give birth? She did about 4 weeks ago and she just looked much larger today and so did the gravid spot. Thanks for any help!!
  2. G

    My cardinal tetra looks strange

    I’ve noticed my cardinal tetra, Timothy, is looking a little tubby. I was wondering if he is actually a pregnant girl or if he is constipated
  3. H

    Molly died giving birth?

    My molly looked pregnant and like she was going to give birth this morning (she appeared to be crowning - I guess?). When I came back a few hours later she still looked like she was crowning and she also had what looked like a wound the front of her abdomen with something stringy coming out. She...
  4. Natabettas

    Pregnant platy

    I have 2 pregnant platys right now and I thought they may have been showing signs of being ready soon. I want to save all the fry so I moved them to a clear bin it’s about 4-5 gallons. I put them both in breeding boxes in the bin incase they had them overnight. Filled the bin with their tanks...
  5. C

    Is my platty pregnant or just fat ??‍♀️

    Hey! Can anyone help, I’m not sure if my platy is just fat or is pregnant. Can anyone help? Thanks :)
  6. W

    Pregnant or not?

    Hi, One of me dwarf guaramis has gradually become bloated, originally we thought pregnant but now after researching this I’m unsure. Please let me know what to do, I’m pretty new to the fish keeping life. I know my tank isn’t clean was in the process before I noticed the fish! They were my first...
  7. S

    how to lower tds for shrimp tank? (also preggie shrimpy, tips please? :>?)

    Hello! im a new shrimp owner (cherry shrimps) i recently found out two of my females is pregnant. i dont want to see anymore pregnant shrimp dying because it happened before (only once and it was traumatic ) im worried if my water TDS will effect their pregnancies since mine is over 300ppm. I...
  8. H

    How far along in their pregnancies? Two separate guppies. Please refer as guppy 1/guppy 2.

    People told me that guppy 1 was 2-3 weeks away from birth, while guppy 2 was 1-2 weeks away. Just looking for some reassurance so I can be prepared. Thanks!
  9. J

    Is my pineapple gonna have baby’s soon

    How many days until she’s do
  10. Falconwithaboxon

    Platy Pairs

    Hello! I have 4 Platies in my tank. They are always in the same pairs. I think they are male and female based by their colors, each pair has 1 that is almost completely orange(female?) and 1 that is orange body with black spots with an almost completely black tail(male?). The ones that I assume...
  11. R

    Is my fish pregnant or sick?

    One of my molly fish seems to be pregnant, but I’m not sure about it. Compared to the other molly fishes in the tank, this fish has a big tummy. Also I’m not sure if its a male or a female fish. Thanks in advance
  12. L

    Strange phantom pregnancy and death...

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and hoping somebody can help me with a strange issue. There is some backstory but I will try to be brief... The phantom pregnancy Two days ago I noticed a platy I have reared from birth (fry of one of my existing platties) which looked to be in distress. Her...
  13. J

    Does my Molly look pregnant?

    Hi, Looking for some help if possible. One of my mollies looks huge compared to the others. Do you think she's pregnant or just well fed?! We have moved her into a hatchery as we aren't sure if she's ready to drop or pop. Any advice greatly appreciated! Jamie
  14. C

    Is our Platy giving birth? What is happening??

    We have a VERY pregnant platy. We are new to this. Our pregnant platy has been passing a few strings with these big white balls attached. Does this mean she’s in labor?? Should we use a birthing box or no?
  15. C

    Pregnant orange molly fish, black fry?

    Hi, First post on here so apologies if I've done anything wrong... So, I have 4 female Mollies in my tank. The orange Molly is the one who is more obviously pregnant but the fry are black - is this normal or is there a chance that 1 of the other mollies has given birth to them? Another thing...
  16. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    Hey guys, ive had this pregnant guppy for a minute now and an wondering when shes supposed to pop?? can anyone tell me by looking at her?
  17. B

    Information about pregnant molly

    I have a pregnant molly fish. There are a lot of questions I have, some just for curiosity reasons and others so that I can provide the best care possible. How long does a molly pregnancy last? Also, how long is left of the pregnancy when the molly starts showing? This is also the mollys first...
  18. Sotto

    is my platy a female? and is she pregnant? during ich battle

    Hi all! Quite new to the aqua world and first time owning fish just wondering if this is a female platy and is she pregnant? im currently fighting off an ich battle with kordon rapid-cure and just want to know if it is a female and if she gives birth will the ich medicine kill the fry? (using...
  19. BlakeFisher

    Zebra Danio Help

    I have only ever had Bettas and Plecos, but after the recent passing of my Betta fish, I decided I wanted to get a school of fish. I got a used 45g tank off marketplace. When I went to pick it up the guy asked if I Wanted his four fish. The tank was caked in dirt, and the fish were in a small...
  20. brokenoob!

    Platinum/Creamsicle Lyretail Molly with tiny black spots?

    Hello everyone! I've had the most amazing Platinum Lyretail Molly named Pearl for just over two months now. She has the biggest personality I've ever seen, if I get within 5 feet of the glass she comes up to me sounds crazy but literally almost wags her tail in excitement like a dog...
  21. S

    Is my molly pregnant?

    Hi, please can anybody tell me if they think my molly is pregnant? Thanks
  22. K

    Swollen leopard danios? Or pregnant?

    Hello all! I woke up this morning and noticed some of my leopard danios look swollen and one is even swimming slightly tilted to the right. I’ve had my tank for about 7 weeks now and I did a water change this past Saturday. I also placed at the time of water change API aquarium salt as I was...
  23. S

    Is my ballon molly pregnant?

    Heya! I’m a beginner hobbyist and I recently got a 36gal tank. I had 5 guppies before, all female. As expected they had babies so I got a bigger tank. I now have some ghost shrimp, cory catfish (small ones), my guppies, a mystery snail, and a ballon molly. My ballon molly has been acting really...
  24. T

    Is my Balloon Molly pregnant?

    We have noticed the black spot on her belly which also looks a bit boxed-shaped (usually signs of pregnancy). She has been a bit aggressive with the other fish but staying particularly close to one of the other balloon mollies pretty much all the time. She has been staying close to the heater...
  25. S

    Pregnant tetra or bloat?

    Hi, I’m looking after my cousins fish. He has some guppies and two tetras. I noticed one of them has a very distended belly and wondering if it’s pregnant or bloated? If the latter, how can I get it’s stomach down. He feeds tropical flake food. In photos is the size difference between the two.
  26. D

    Pregnant Dalmatian & panda molly?

    Also I have a female Dalmatian molly showing strange tank behavior. She will settle at the rocks and pretty much let the water push her around. Any thoughts?
  27. L

    Is my guppy pregnant and how far please

    Ok so I bought a couple female guppies from my local aquatic store a few weeks ago, I've noticed on one of them her gravid spot getting slightly bigger so I'm now wondering if she is pregnant and how far as they are also in with a male, I've added a few pics to hopefully help thanks for any advice
  28. Barry Tetra

    Are they pregnant?

    Can you guys tell if my swordtails are pregnant?
  29. C

    Is my platy pregnant?

    I have 5 platys, 3 look pregnant in my opinion but I need some advice to be sure. This is the largest of the 3, if so how long to go, I wouldn’t want to put her in the breeder box to early.
  30. J

    Pregnant Guppy Help

    My pregnant guppy has a thin white string coming from her mouth. It wasn’t there a few hours ago. I don’t know if I should try to pull it our or if this is something she’s trying to eat or what. Please look at the pictures and let me know what u think. 15 gallon tank live and artificial plants...
  31. R

    Still new...think my molly is pregnant too?!

    Maybe I’m just paranoid now please don’t be annoyed I have a lot to learn. I think my balloon molly is pregnant as well as my guppy? I’m uneducated. I just got her 2 days ago so don’t have a frame of reference on her personally like I did my guppy. I have removed her from males but realize...
  32. R

    Pregnant guppy?!

    Hi all I’m new to raising fish (2 months maybe?) I was very specific about getting males but turns out the store clerk sold me females (should’ve done a google search one male and female guppy’s ‍♀️) No big deal, mal and Jayne are female so thank god their names were gender neutral however I...
  33. G

    Pregnant Guppy?!

    Hi everyone. So, I recently got 6 yellow cobra guppies about a week ago and I think one of them is pregnant. Her stomach is bigger than my other female and she’s starting to get a black spot on towards the back side of her stomach. I’m not completely positive it’s a gravid spot though. Does...
  34. D

    New to livebearers, is she fat or holding fry?

    So I got these cuties about 2 months ago along with 2 others. About month ago the Mickey mouse platy plumped up. I thought the one on the bottom was also female until he started getting the sword on his tail. I'm new to livebearers so I'm unsure if my mickey mouse platy is just eating well or if...
  35. M

    Pregnant or fat platy

  36. v kun

    How to cope up with fish death

    Recently , my first ever mother fish died. She was a molly who was about to conceive (her 3rd time) im few days. And I was really attached to her. I wanna know how to cope up the guilt....the insecurities , the pain , the guilt , please help guys. Think of me as your younger brother , I am...
  37. HalfTailedOwner

    Are these Guppies Pregnant?

    Hi all, I haven't been back here in a while. My dad and I decided to start anew and we have four guppies (all female) in the tank which were on sale at the lfs. Something doesn't look right with them though, most if not all appear to have bloated bellies, and apparently according to google...
  38. L

    Baby Guppies : pregnant guppy

    I have three female guppies, two look pregnant how can I tell which one is giving birth? We found one baby guppy in the tank and wondering also about how long will be between the birth of each guppy ?? Thanks !! Lowri
  39. L

    Pregnant Endlers

    Hi all I was wondering if I could get some advice, just recently obtained a couple of pregnant endler/guppys just a few days ago, they look fairly along at this point, getting a boxy shape and gravid spot is pretty dark, but being novice at this I'm not sure when to put them into the birth tank...
  40. tydgie

    how can I tell my platy will give birth? please help

    I've had my 4 platys for about 5 months now, 2 females and 2 males I realised. one of my platys seems to be pregnant but has been "pregnant" for a while now, 2 months atleast (when I know should be a few weeks) . how will I know she is about to give birth specifically? her black mark and her...