
  1. C

    Help! What Is It And How Do I Get Rid Of It?

    I have a 120g planted tank and recently I've noticed an algae takeover   it seems almost moss like in appearance and covers our dwarf hair grass, baby drawf tears and our drift wood.  I haven't noticed it on our myrio, swords, or lotus at all though.  we have 6 otocinclus in the tank and they...
  2. Tropical_Dave

    Lighting For Planted Tanks

    so im wondering what the best kind of lighting i should get for my planted tank which i should hopefully be setting up in 2 weeks or so. should i go for the regular kind of lights, is t5 or t8 best? what wattage works better? or maybe L.E.D's are best? all help is much appreciated :)
  3. ReMz

    Meet Finley - Unexpected Marble

    Been a while since I have kept a betta. Figured it was time to have another happy guy   Started like this in the cup at the LFS.... he was pretty stunning, but less so than some of the other guys. So many imperfections, I just had to have him.     Immediately acclimated and was eating. annnnd...
  4. Tropical_Dave

    Cycle A Planted Tank?

    hi everybody :) im going to be starting my first planted tank soon, got a couple of tanks on the go already but this is the first one to have live plants. ive got pretty much everything sorted, just wondering how i should cycle it, like how long and anything else i need to add to the water...
  5. sawickib

    10 Gallon Nano Planted Tank

    I have a 10 gallon fish tank, with java fern frilley and sword, and i have a banana plant and some mosses. Right now my java sword and banana plant are dying and I don't know what to do. I have plant iron, liquid fertilizer, Flora Max plant substrate, with a full spectrum LED plant light...
  6. E

    Planted Tank Plan

    Hi,   I'm rather new to fishkeeping, having gotten a betta only around 3 months ago, but I'm interested in starting a planted tank. I've been doing a bunch of research, on this forum as well as elsewhere, and I'm trying to consolidate the things I've learned into a plan for a planted tank. Would...
  7. RedtailMonster

    My 14G Nano Planted

    Here is my first picture thread, of my 14 gallon Nano cube.                 This is how it looked on Day 1....     
  8. CrimsonBoli

    New Side Project... Planted Nano-Habitat

    So im starting to plan using an old 5 Gal (may be 6 Gal [roughly measured tank then converted to vol]) tank I found in the GFs mums garage! (oh-ey!)   This week I will dirt the tank and fill with water from my 50Gal then leave it until the filter arrives... Then fishless cycle there after The...
  9. CrimsonBoli

    My 200L Community (Low Tech)

    So finally posting pics up!     My setup: Fluval Roma 200 2x T8 (6500k + 10000k) + 2' LED bar APS 1000EF ext filter (Awesome filter by the way!) Air pump and stone (which I never have on...) 300W AquaZonic heater Fish:  4x Clown Loaches (3 Borneo, 1 saddle-stripe Sumatra) 8x Neon Tetra 3x...
  10. LunaBug

    Plants Helping With Ammonia?

    I have been reading up on easy to care for plants to add to my aqueon evolve and was looking for some input. I came across the Marimo Moss Balls and was wondering if anyone had experience with these. From my understanding they are a great addition to the bio filtration in a tank and are helpful...
  11. LunaBug

    First Attempt At Planting

    I got back into aquarium keeping this past few months and recently decided to try my hand at a planted tank. After a few issues with my Aqueon Evolve 8 I decided it was time. Below is the final outcome. Any advice, comments, and suggestions are welcome since I am rather green to caring for live...
  12. LunaBug

    Brown Algae (Diatoms) Infestation

    I am having a major issue with brown algae, which the LFS has identified as diatoms. I noticed it originally on my ornamental Buddha that was in the tank so I immediately pulled the ornament and scrubbed it in extremely hot water before returning it to the tank. Almost over night the algae...
  13. S

    Converting My Juwel Rio240

    If I were to convert my Juwel Rio 240 - 240L tank for those who are unfamiliar would I need different lighting it has 2x 54W T5's   -The Plan Lowtech with a dirted substrate (Miracle Gro organic choice potting mix) capped with gravel, however if I can source black sand this will definitely be...
  14. Q

    Need A Lot Of Plants On A Budget!

    So im setting up my 100g craigslist project using the Walstad method. I cant find anybody within a reasonable distance to get plants from, and buying plants online is expensive as hell. Im not very experienced in growing plants..... Like at all, but im determined to make this work. How long...
  15. shelbycole

    Strange Fishless Cycle Problem.

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for about two years now. I've successfully cycled a 10gal tank with ammonia in the past, but I've run into a strange problem.   I have a 2.5 gallon that I'm attempting to cycle with Ammonia, 10% from Ace Hardware. I have an Argentina sword plant in the tank.  ...
  16. CrazyDiamond88

    Sand - A Few Questions

    I currently have black sand in my tank. I had wanted white sand but the guy at the lfs said the white sand they sold was not suitable for freshwater tanks. Being impatient, I bought the black sand and started my aquascape. Now I need to put more sand in to get the look I am after. I could add...
  17. CrazyDiamond88

    Added More Sand To My Planted Tank?

    I rushed in to my first aquascape, and now it turns out I don't have enough sand in it to make a sloping look. The tank is still cycling so there are no fish in there, just a few pond snail hitchhikers. What's the best way to top up the sand without making a huge mess and covering the plants?
  18. rpgmomma8404

    Best Substrate For A Planted Tank?

    I am wanting to switch from gravel to sand but I realized that if I wanted to add plants I'll probably need a substrate made for plants. Would sand alone be okay or would I need a substrate made for planted tanks? 
  19. Alm0stAwesome

    The Angel Isles: Planted Community Tank

    I figure I'll start a thread to chart the progress of this recently set up tank. This won't just be about plants but about my fish as well and I like to post lots of pictures   This first post will be fairly long as I'd like to go a little into the set up of the tank as well as how it is now...
  20. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I have a 20gal planted community tank. I use two 18watt flouri-glo lightbulbs and eco-complete substrate. All plants are doing fine except my cardinal and banana plant. The cardinal plant has spots of discoloration, like the leaves have been damaged. The banana plant's leaves constantly wilt and...
  21. Fishywishy333

    Fish Stocking 120L

    Hey everyone, I am saving up for a new 120 litre tank. I am wondering what I should stock it with. I was leaning towards community.They would have to be hardy fish that will get along with each other. I was thinking 2 species of shoaling fish (need suggestions) some cories, some guppies, some...
  22. cheesy feet

    Cheesy Feet's 30 Litre Planted Aquarium

    I'll have to get my proper camera out and take some pictures of the fish and slightly changed layout (the rock is now vertical, with the moss attached with some plant netting), but here's some pics from my phone: [/URL]   Sooo. I got bored and decided to set up another little planted aquarium...
  23. SarahMarie

    Any Better?

    Hey I've just been adding a few plants and wood to my 64 litre aquarium to try and make it look more natural. The fish seem to like it as well. What does everyone think? The pic with the bridge is before and the other is after :)
  24. JoebW

    20 Gallon ~ Simple And Clean

    Tank: "Simple and Clean" Size: 20 Gallons ~ Long 30 Inches Long x 13 Inches High x 13 Inches Deep Filter: ALEAS Power Filter 30 Gallons Heater: Top Fin Submersible 100W Heater Pump: Aqueon Circulation Pump 500 Light: Single Clamp Lamp Bulb ~ 5000k 23W Fauna: Farlowella x1 Red Wag Platy x 1...
  25. Verminator89

    Hagen Glo 2X24W T5Ho Light Unit

    Equipment make/model/size: Hagen GLO 2x24W T5HO Light Unit Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Unused, sat collecting dust in the garage. Delivery or Collection: Collection only, willing to deliver for cost of fuel within reason (ie excluding scotland/ireland ect) Sales price: £40 Postage &...
  26. S

    Planted Nano - Substrate Requirements? - Australian Sources?

    Here we go, I'm thinking of setting up a planted nano tank approx 30L   - One betta will reside in this tank with maybe a couple of bristlenose plecos or shrimp if I can manage to source some decent species.   - I'm curious as to what kind of substrate I should use and where is it located.   -...
  27. Robbo89

    25 Gallon Planted Community Journey V2

    Hey all,  Restarting the journal for my community tank as the pictures were absolutely useless lol   As this is my first planted tank, and really first community tank, all advice/criticism/feedback is strongly desired!   Here is the first pic, day 1. (This was about 3 weeks ago)     Needless...
  28. Robbo89

    25 Gallon Planted Community Tank Journal (With Pics)

    Hey all, Going to start a journal for my community tank, starting from day 1 (a very dirty, in poor condition tank) to finished product (hopefully something a bit better than day 1 )   By the end I'd love to have a really cool looking before/after pic, but along the way I'll try to put as many...
  29. LicianDragon

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here

    Sorry for the giant image and bad quality, all I have is the camera on my phone. So this is a 20 gallon planted community tank. I would love for this to look nicer or something but I don't know where to go from here. I'd like to leave the taller plants to the side to allow light to reach the...
  30. Zikofski

    Review Of The New & Old Up Inline Diffuser

    Comparison and Review on the new and old UP Inline Diffuser's   When i entered the world of Injected Co2 i did some research and came across lots of diffusers some internal some external and inline with the filter, now considering i already had an inline heater and wanted to keep equipment...
  31. conrad9900

    420L Planted Co2 Injected Custom Tank!

    build log.... Tank: custom 400l bow front tank Size: 150cm(l)x50cm(w)x60cm(h) Filter: JBL cristalprofi 1500e(1500l/h) Hood: custom hood Light: custom dual light unit Stand: Light Mahogany 150x50x70 Tank floor: JBL manado substrate 25kg/JBL pro flora fertilizer soil 10kg/Fine white sand 25kg...
  32. aaronc

    New Rio 125 Planted Journal

    Hi All   So I am having another go at a planted Rio 125.  I had to teardown my old tank and sell when I moved 3 years ago.   Here is the shopping list, although I have most of it already.   Kit Juwel Rio 125 Juwel internal heater and filter Dual T5 Juwel lighting hood Koralia 900lph 2kg Fire...
  33. B

    Aqua Scape Ideas For My Tank!

    Hiya everyone! I have a 240 gallon Fluval Roma tank with: One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 A 300W heater Fluval 306 external filter At the moment the tank is up and running as a tropical tank with only fake decorations in it, no...
  34. Maddy

    Diy Lighting With Cfl Bulbs... Opinions?

    Alright so I've seen some people doing their own DIY light fixtures using CFL bulbs for their aquariums. I was thinking I would try this since it's super cheap and I am also cheap so I'm not about to spend a ton of money on lighting. I'm new to all of this so of course I bought tons of...
  35. S

    My First Planted Tank

    Hey all, I've been keeping fish for about a year now and want to tackle my first planted aquarium. You guys have given amazing advice in the past and I would appreciate some tips on what will be my first attempt at a planted tank.   My tank is small in size, roughly 20 - 25 litres.   First of...
  36. LicianDragon

    Organic Material Clouding Up My Tank?

    I have a 20 gallon tropical community planted tank. It's planted with eco-complete substrate. I also add co2 booster from API daily. Ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0, nitrate is about 5ppm. The tank has been set up for about 5 months now but has always had an issue of organic material floating around...
  37. LicianDragon

    Hornwort Keeps Dying?

    I have a 20 gallon planted tank with eco-complete planted aquarium substrate. I have many plants species in the tank including cryptocorne wendtti red, anacharis, banana plant, pennywort, anubias nana, and phoenix moss. The hornwort bunches though keep dying. The plant will be green and...
  38. sputnick

    School Project

    Hey guys! Im currently a senior in high school and for my speech class we have to do a demonstration speech. As soon as our teacher told us this my mind shot strait to doing a tutorial on how to aquascape an aquarium!    So i thought this would be a great oportunity to do my first journal!   As...
  39. VickyChaiTea

    Vickychaitea's Tanks

    Just a spot for progress shots of my taaaaanks. <3   Fluval SPEC   10gal   2gal   2gal   2gal
  40. B

    10L Planted Tank _-'-_-'-_ Algae Issue, Any Ideas? _-'-_-&

    Hey guys.   Ive got a litle 10 litre tank setup for 3 months - added plants (glosso and dwarf hair grass) about 2 weeks ago   Using subs. fertilizer and a litle bit (half the doze) of liquid ferts   DIY co2   Chaeto algae bulb (marine 3X3w Led running same spectrum as topical aqua plant req.) on...