
  1. April_ht

    Freshwater plants (cold water)

    What plants would be best suited for a cold water planted tank? Information about my tank: 70 litres (18 Gallons) 60l x 30w x 40h in cm (approx 24l x 12w x 16h in inches) Water hardness 105ppm or 5.5dH pH 7.5 Temp: 18 degrees Celsius after a water change and 20 degrees Celsius on average. No co2...
  2. T

    Is this a good stocking list for my planted 10 gallon?

    I asked a question a couple nights ago on the planted chit chat part of the site about my plants and everyone was very helpful so I wanted to check with everyone about my stocking list for it. I already have three mystery snails in there, and plan to get three scarlet badis, and eleven ember...
  3. T

    A Few Questions on My New Planted Tank

    Hey guys. Wanted to ask a few questions about my new planted tank. It's a ten gallon tank with a water sprite, amazon sword, baby tears, and three java ferns. I got the first two a couple days ago and the java and tears today. I got them both off Aquarium Coop. My first question was what are...
  4. Tippersloth

    Leafs getting patchy

    Hey guys my swords are getting patchy, I’ve had them for several months now and they were doing really well with big growths etc. they normally bounce back after awhile as this has happened before but it seems to be nearly every leaf now. I’m currently using flourish range of fertilisers (see...
  5. crupp29

    Brown Algae

    Just today I noticed some brown algae in the fish tank I have been cycling for a couple of weeks. The water has been tested regularly and at this point, the tank seems to have finished cycling. I plan on doing a large water change later this week and getting a couple fish this weekend. The tank...
  6. crupp29

    Unusual Testing Results

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank that I have been trying to cycle for over a week now. At first I was adding beneficial bacteria to the tank, but then I got a hold of filter media from an established tank. Before I put the media in the filter, my ammonia was at about 2ppm from dosing a small...
  7. C

    Fluval Flex 15 Gal. - First Ever Fish Tank!

    Hey everyone, I recently got into the hobby and had a little bit of help from a friend/pet store employee on starting up. Unfortunately, I didn't read too in-depth about the nitrogen cycling beforehand and the employee had told me that I would be able to add fishes in right away by using bottled...
  8. CaptainBarnicles

    60l krib tank

    Well I've had a go anyway! I'm a complete noob to plants, at least stem plants, I've done OK with crypts and anubias (pretty hard to kill those to be fair) but I've got a few bits I'm going to try. I'm not running co2, I wouldn't have a clue where to start although I'd love to give it a go too...
  9. S

    Help me build my dream planted German Blue Ram breeder tank

    I have never done a planted tank before but have been reading about it and want to go all in on a 10-20 gallon for my desktop. I work from home and can, fortunately, do whatever necessary to keep up with routine maintenance. I am a chemist and like to stay on top of chemicals, water changes...
  10. DylanTropical

    Removing Rio240 filter box, replacing with external filter

    New to the forums, I’m looking to upgrade/remove the filter box in my jewel Rio 240, I’ve read online they aren’t very good as people are always left with ammonia (I am too), my nitrites/nitrates are a good standard, has any body had any issues removing the filter box, also suggest some decent...
  11. PlasticGalaxy

    Advice on Stock Redux

    So here I am, back again to ask about my stock. However, this time I'm asking before I plunge myself into the deep end and blindly start picking out fish for my tank. Overstocking has quickly become my greatest fear after one, quite frankly, rude reply I received concerning my stock (I'm a very...
  12. mmarx339

    New fishy, congo spotted puffer

    New fishy, spotted congo puffer in the 55
  13. Barry Tetra

    Planted tank questions

    hello! I just started a new low-budget planted aquarium. My friend gave me 20 gal tank, light and thermometer 2 years ago when I just started fishkeeping. Egeria densa are from he wild Questions: 1. I use fertilizer and liquid CO2 everyday, is this dangerous for the fishes? 2. Are filter...
  14. ember04

    Shrimp in a bowl

    I have an old 10-gallon bowl from my parent (they used to keep goldfish in it :no:) but it has laid empty for ages, I am not one to waste things and was wondering if I should set it up as a shrimp bowl. I have a low pH, so I was thinking about setting it up as well planted crystal shrimp tank...
  15. S

    Stocking a tank.

    Hello,I have a cycled 25 gallon(95 lt) planted aquarium with one gold gourami(juvenile and really peacefull),5 panda corys,1 golden bristlenose,9 neon tetras,11 guppies and some ramshorn snails.Also,I have a corse sponge filter.What do you think,is it too much?Will some of the fishes be a...
  16. Barry Tetra

    How deep should a soil be in a planted tank?

    As the titles says, I’m setting up new planted aquarium for TOTM hoping to enter @seangee @Colin_T @communityfluvalroma @NCaquatics @AdoraBelle Dearheart
  17. Barry Tetra

    Planted tank store

    I haven’t been to this Planted for a while but here are the pictures and link to their facebook page Basically you pay them to make the biotope and layout of your design, also they have a free corses on aquascaping also the tank in second picture have betta and...
  18. T

    Aquarium Lighting Help

    Hi all, Im looking for help with my aquarium lighting. I currently have a Juwel primo 70L (20gal) aquarium with the out of the box light and aquarium hood. The light is an LED tube (Juwel NovoLux LED 60) but it is very low wattage (8w) so I cant grow plants (all my attempts so far have ended...
  19. G

    What baby snails are these?

    I have a 9g planted tank where I have amazonian soil. I had a betta fish that was about 4 years old and died some months ago, around June. In January I brought two nerite snails (one tiger and one zebra) and they were living with the betta fish in the cycled tank in perfect harmony. there was a...
  20. Ellie Potts

    Community Tank Advice Needed

    Hey everyone! I'm relatively new to this forum but was looking for some advice. I'm setting up a 55-gallon tank (48" x 13" x 21") and would like it to be a community tank. I've recently been really into schooling-tanks with many different kinds of schooling fish. For example, one fish keeper...
  21. JamieTYV

    What is causing my plant to disintegrate?

    Hi all, Long time lurker here, finally joined up! I have 3 tanks (2 X tropical and one cold water). One of my tropical tanks is semi-planted (mixture of live and silk plants - seems to keep my Betta happy!) But recently one of my plants has started to "disintegrate" (but only on one leaf so...
  22. H

    My first fresh water planted tank with jungle style

    Hi guys, Recently I setup a new fresh water tank and it was my first planted tank. I thought it'd be great to show everyone the process from the beginning so I put together a video. So hope you enjoin it and please give some comment/advice if you could. Thanks.
  23. B

    Head-and-Tail-Tetra Behavior: Circling

    Hello all, I have a few questions about head-and-tail-light tetra behavior. I used to have 3 of these tetras in my planted 10 gallon glass aquarium with intentions to get more once I transfer them into my 30 gallon that I have not yet started to cycle... there are only 2 left- the two bigger...
  24. brokenoob!

    Time to flood the tank? Dry Start Method

    Hi there! I've been using the dry start method in my 40 gallon breeder for only 14 days from seed until now, and as you can see I have a crazy amount of growth. I believe I used one package of montecarlo seeds and the rest is random "aquarium grass" seeds from Amazon. Well this morning I went to...
  25. S

    New Tank

    Hello Everyone! I was wondering if someone could push me in the right direction. I currently setup a new display tank and paired it with an established Refugium form my previous tank. It’s had been running for 2 days, I tested levels and I have Ph is 7.8, Ammonia is 0ppm Nitrite is 0 ppm and...
  26. hetsu

    Need a Multi-use timer

    Hi!! I'm new to the forum and relatively new to the fish-keeping hobby (at least in doing a good job at it; I had some pretty pathetic tanks as a kid when I didn't know any better). Right now, I'm trying to find a timer that will do two timings at once, because I only want to buy two separate...
  27. C

    One week into a fish less cycle

    Hi everyone , I am one week into my fishless cycle and am seeing high levels of ammonia and nitrites with medium to low levels of nitrates. I am now experiencing a hair algae bloom. Am I doing something wrong ? I have a 135 litre planted tank with a Co2 system. I run the lights for...
  28. newmag1659

    Best light for 10 gallon planted tank?

    Hi! I'm starting up my second tank, a 10 gallon, and the lights that come with it are terrible. I have some low light hornwort and amazon swords, but I'm going to be adding some medium-light plants in next week. I'm a college student, so I don't want to spend a ton, I'm gonna say no more than...
  29. B

    Thoughts on this stocking combination?

    Hi All. Interested in as many thoughts as possible on this stocking. This would be a gradual build up from where I am now. 55 gallon(240l) Temp 24.5 Degrees C. PH 6.5/6.8, Live plants Stem and moss ball with a java fern., Fine, very small gravel, Betta 2000 Canister filter(turns over the tank...
  30. Irksome

    Rescaped tank to black sand

    Hello, my tank redone with dark sand instead of ugly mixed gravel. My crypts are melting a bit but everything else is doing great. The photos don’t do it justice, there must be a knack that I’m missing.
  31. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  32. B

    How do I make this more aesthetically pleasing?

    Hello, I have just reaquascaped my 29g freshwater tank. I want to make it look a little better. Any ideas on how to improve the aesthetic? Thanks
  33. A

    is my tank okay?

    so i’ve bought 2 sets of 2 gallon tanks 1 week ago. one for my betta and one for purposely breeding pest snails and algae. so im focusing more on my betta tank no filtration planted (only 1 stem plant) theres soil and in where the live plant is planted and artificial green colored gravel i...
  34. M

    Do Nerite Snails need to eat calcium or just have it in the water?

    So, I'm relatively new to snails. My boyfriend always wanted me to get one, but I wasn't really interested (too worried about crazy snail reproduction after hearing some horror stories from friends). But I found a beautiful little tiger nerite at the fish store and I fell in love. After a quick...
  35. Irksome

    Shrimp jungle

    My new shrimp tank, it seems to be going well despite the hair algae.
  36. ElissaBee

    First post and my tank

    Here is my 10g hi tech planted tank with CO2 injection. Plants are hydrocotye verticillata, ludwigia repens, bacopa caroliniana, cryptocoryne undulata, lobelia cardinalis, dwarf nymphaea and java moss. Inhabitants are 3 adult female guppies, a pair of juvie/adult guppies, and 6 fry, all of whom...
  37. Barry Tetra

    Cloudy water need help!

    I just got new tank for my betta. I put clay substrate in the tank and this happen, can you guys tell me when its gonna be back to normal? (Ive washed clay before putting in the tank)
  38. W

    Dwarf Puffer Planted Tank Help

    Hey everybody, Need some advice from more experienced folks on this site. I am currently setting up a new 10 Gallon tank for Dwarf Puffers and wanted to gain some clarity on my water parameters. My current setup: - Top Fin Essentials Starter Kit (10 Gallon) - Modified TF 10 Filter with intake...
  39. Irksome

    Can liquid carbon help with a light/c02 imbalance?

    Hello everyone. My new 10 gallon divided low tech tank has been running about a week now. As the light was so poor on the hood I’ve put a tabletop led grow light shining into the sides. My plants look great, my weeping moss divider is filling out amazingly well with the directional grow lamps...
  40. W

    German Blue Ram - First Fish

    I have recently entered the hobby, purchasing a Aquapod 56litre aquarium. Which I have included some small plants and larger rocks. I have cycled my tank and has the local fish store confirmed the conditions were now suitable for my first fish. I decided to go for a German Blue Ram although I...