
  1. eaglesaquarium

    110 Gallon South American Biotope

    Hello everyone!     I have never done a "journal" about a tank before, but I figured I might as well with this one.   2013-01-23 full tank by eaglesfan54, on Flickr     This tank is a South American biotype tank that a friend and I are pointing together at work.  He and I have been talking...
  2. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...
  3. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...
  4. C

    Stocking Angelfish

    I am going to start a new 30 gallon tall fresh water mostly planted tank. I'm planning on fishless cycling once i get my soil and plants in. My stocking ideas are 2 Angelfish, 4 Black Neon Tetra, 5 Cherry Barbs, and 3 Dwarf Sucker fish. I chose those tetras because they are bigger than the...
  5. coma

    Coma Aqua

    Aquarium: Juwel Rio 125(81 x 36 x50 cm )+ original black stand Filtration system: JBL Crystal Profi 700 Lighting: Juwel T5 lighting unit 2 x 28w + Juwel reflectors DIY-Electronic Ballast DMR T5 2x24 Substrate system: ADA Power Sand ADA Aqua Soil NEW Amazonia ADA Aqua Soil NEW Amazonia Powder...
  6. M

    Tank Transfer From 10g To 55g

    I am fairly new to the the hobby and completely new to the forum. i will be getting a new tank due to the $1 gallon sale at the local petco which will either be a 40g breeder or 55 g tank really cant decide. My current tank that i will be transferring from my current tank. A Half Moon/Circle 10g...
  7. D

    My 200 Ltr Planted.

    I entered this for Tank of the Month also this month...but it's still a work in progress!
  8. R

    Bare Area Of Tank Needs Planting, Any Advice?

    Need some advice of what to plant to fill a Bare part of my tank. The back of the tank has a bare part . I want something that is hardy and strong to fill it. I have no co2 and just basic lights but have had success with plants. Trying to post a photo but can't work it out yet
  9. K

    2w Led Lamp Okay?

    I just got a 5 gallon tank. It's not set up yet, but it's going to be an Iwagumi style shrimp and mosquito rasbora tank. I'm hoping to get dwarf baby tears and maybe some dwarf hair grass for the tank. I'm also going to have a CO2 system. I have a 2w LED light, but is that going to be good...
  10. K

    5 Gallon Too Small?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, I've yet to set it up but I'm planning on making it a planted aquarium. The planned set up is for some driftwood in the corner, carpeted baby tears (HC), a Ludwigia hybrid species and maybe some star moss. Mostly fluval stratum substrate and a portion of it sand...