
  1. S

    New Nano Tank

    Hello again, I have been cycling a nano tank for about a month and I am getting ready to stock my tank. I planted my plants, and just need a final fish to balance it all out. I was thinking of filling my 6.8 Gal tank with some cherry shrimp, blueberry shrimp, and some Mosquito Rasbora, but from...
  2. A

    60l planted Betta smaragdina tank - pic heavy!

    After a three year break from the hobby for uni and a realisation of a number of mistakes I made before that, I've decided to come back to the hobby and do it properly! Kit: 60l aquarium modified to have a rimless front A1171 Aquamanta IFX 50 internal corner filter 200 l/hr 3W Aquamanta Xanti...
  3. A

    I was tricked, now I need guidance.

    So, I'm super new to this. Some how I got roped into getting a fish tank -per my husband- for our 3 year old. (facepalm emoji) Yup. I was all set to get a Betta and a 2.5-5 gallon tank. The prices for these small tanks we're almost as much as for the tank 'we' settled on. a 13 gallon...
  4. G

    Nitrates not building?

    I did a nitrate test 2 weeks ago in my heavily planted dirted tank and got around 0-5ml/l. I tested again today without doing any wcs inbetween, and I still got the same result. I'm assuming my plants are eating all the nitrates before they can build up. Does this mean that water changes are...
  5. E

    Best CO2 system for about £100?

    Title. Hi guys, wanted to know if there are any decent CO2 systems that are relatively easy to just hook up to a tank and go. never used anything other than a tropica 60 system before so an all-in-one system would be preferred. Cheers!
  6. E

    Tropica Plant Growth System 60 Kit

    Hi, Anyone know if this kit is any good? I've got it for a 5 gal. Thanks!
  7. E

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, Just wanted to get some opinions on my stocking for a planted 55gal: 2 x German Blue Ram 5 x Pentazona Barb 6 x Silver Hatchetfish 8 x Cardinal Tetra 6 x Bronze Cory 6 x Adolfoi Cory And then if this goes well and I want more, I'll probably get a pair of Golden Rams. Thoughts?
  8. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking ideas

    I’ve been planning a 29 gallon for a while now and this is what I came up with for stocking ideas. 1 : Pearl Gourami (or one honey) 6 : neon tetra 5 : cherry barb (2 male 3 female) 4 : Kuhli Loach (I want less but they’re social so 4 is my plan) 1-3 : ram cichlids (1 male 2 female maximum...
  9. Annemarie

    Betta cloudy eye

    hello! So I’ve had an aquarium with a betta for about a month now. There’s some plants, a little bit of algae (but we’re taking care of it), a good filter, and a heater that keeps the water at about 77-78 degrees Fahrenheit. The ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are in healthy amounts (0,0, and a...
  10. Annemarie

    29 Gallon stocking

    I know I’ve done a few of these regarding fish that would be okay but I’ve finally decided what I really want. I was thinking... 1: Pearl gourami 1: electric blue ram 3: Albino cherry barb 3: Cherry barb 5: Kuhli Loaches 4-5: Emperor tetras 4-5: neon tetras 1: Diamond Head Neon Tetra I...
  11. Aeroase

    Stocking Questions!

    Hi! I have a 10gal tank with 4 false julii’s, a dwarf gourami, and an otocinculus (i know they do better in groups, i just haven’t found a shop to get some from that aren’t half dead in the store). The tank is heavily planted and fully cycled! The fish that are in there are doing good. My...
  12. G


    Hi everbody! I am here to learn about aquariums, and also to do my part to spread the knowledge I've accumulated. I don't have as much experience as many, but I have more experience than some. I currently have four tanks, all panted, ranging from low tech to high tech. I've had experiences and...
  13. Fish345

    Stocking Ideas For 55 gallon

    I have so far... 1x Angelfish 2x Dwarf Gourami 1x Rainbow Shark 3x Mollies 6x Albino Cory Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk. The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
  14. D

    My journey into the nano world

    Hi all. New face to the forum but a long time fish keeper with a big interest in tropical set ups. I usually keep larger tanks, but recently have had a sudden fascination with smaller nano set ups and the beauty of some of the fish that people have been keeping in them. Fast forward to now...
  15. P

    Help with new planted 240 liters/60 g planted aquarium

    hi, all i am from Argentina my name is Pedro and I have this project. tank size: 90cm long 50 wide 50 tall 225 liters in total filtration: eheim pro 4 plus 250 with pre filter and an eheim surface skimmer 350 will also use a lily pipe to control flow. temperature:eheim heater 150 watts up to 36...
  16. Cameronb_01

    Hair Algae Epidemic

    Hi Guys, I have been driven to breaking point by this bloody f****** hair algae: my nitrates and phosphates and other water parameters are fine. I have been changing water 25% twice a week. I've been dosing liquid carbon. I am running a UV steriliser etc: I have poured an untold amount of time...
  17. alvintayyw

    Planted tank - need help with plant ID

    Hi all, May i know what are the plants i have growing in my tank? I know i have dwarf hair grass that i am trying to carpet... Thank you!
  18. Hyr

    Gardens of the River - Aquascape - 30GAL

    Hi, I thought I might start an aquarium journal here. Yes, I know, this isn't necessarily an aquascaping forum, but, this forum has the most kind, helpful, wholehearted people, and I want to share with them something that they helped me work so hard on. This is my first aquarium over 10gal too...
  19. Monty2451

    Best way to clean a planted

    Hi everyone, I'm getting back into the hobby after about a 10 year hiatus, and am looking to start out again with my first truly planted tank, a 35 gal. cube with some dwarf grass, marimo moss balls, and a Xmas moss bonsai. The most I've done with plants in the past has been some hornwort...
  20. S

    Bigger tank, stocking ideas?

    Our 20 gallon sprang a leak so we got a 36 gallon bowfront. I used water and filter media from my old tank to cycle and it's been two weeks, no losses. It's a planted tank, though some of my swords and anubias from the 20g look puny right now lol. We have: 1 BN albino pleco 3 julli cories (I...
  21. Demeter32

    Micro planted tank

    I've been thinking to start up a small tank for shrimp and now I've finally bought an all glass 3.4gal. It came with a clear plastic cover (leaves about 1.5 inch gap at the back) and a small but surprisingly powerful internal filter. I already bought a mini heater a week ago so I had everything...
  22. BettaPonic

    38 gallon setup.

    This tank is about a week old. I took the amazon sword from another tank. I added a few female Guppies from the same tank along with some assassin snails. I am hoping for the plants to grow in more. I am going to let the Guppies populate the tank. I thought I would share.
  23. BettaPonic

    My Livebearers.

    I keep Least Killifish and Guppies. I thought I would show them off. The little tank is storage until I build a second colony.
  24. Tyler_Fishman

    Planted paradise?

    if you've ever been to a pond in the north you might not think to put anything in your aquarium, obviously as Cold water species do not thrive in warm water, but as summer is just around the corner you can find a myriad of species for aquarium use, Lakes shores are often covered in Ludwigia...
  25. D

    Finally, I'm set up.

    Finally got round to setting up my Fluval Flex 57L this weekend. Been researching this a lot over the last few months and decided to do a low tech planted tank. The lights probably aren't the best and perhaps the plants I've used are of a higher spec than I think but I'll give it a go. Not...
  26. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Change

    Hi Guys, I have been keeping Discus, (9 of them), in my 450L planted tank now for just over 6 months and it has been going great. However, in order to achieve the look I envisaged for the tank I have my heart set on completely swapping my current gravel substrate for "Amazonia". How should I go...
  27. G

    Led Lights/Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  28. G

    Led Lights/ Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  29. alvintayyw

    First time planted tank

    Don't know if it is too crowded.. Any suggestion / improvements?
  30. S

    Plants or no plants?

    Hey! Wondering whether or not to try a planted tank... I LOVE the look of planted tanks and I would love to have one! Does anyone have any opinions on what plants to use? As well as any information to a beginner on how to take care of the plants etc.
  31. Tyler_Fishman

    Really Amazon!

    I was optimistic about getting MTS snails for my planted 10 gallon, It would be a nice addition to my tank, After some research I have concluded that they are Sudible even crucial for my setup, so I did what any person would do when their LFS did not have something they wanted: Go to Amazon. I...
  32. Tyler_Fishman

    Importance of LED's

    About a week ago I went to Home Depot to Pick up a few things, I had no luck growing my plants to their full potential, and creating a nice soothing white light that that is visually appealing in the day time. At home depot I picked up a Philodendron plant to go into my HOB filter and a set of...
  33. Tyler_Fishman

    Trouble reading thermometer

    Hi, I've had this thermometer for s long while but I'm confused if my tempature is at 75 or 80 degrees. Thanks
  34. R

    Please Help, Fish Dying

    Tank size: 75 Gallon pH: 7.8 Alkalaine ammonia: Don’t know… nitrite: Safe nitrate: Safe kH: Ideal gH: Soft tank temp: 80 F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): A few months ago my gourami started to develop a spine deformity. Since, I have...
  35. Tyler_Fishman

    Please help!

    my rummy nose appears to have tumors inside it, I have no idea what it could be. You can see a patch of discoloration on it. Please help
  36. V

    29 Gallon Angelfish Community Suggestions

    After a mass-die off of guppies in my 29 gallon planted tank, I've made the decision to restock the tank in a few weeks and I really want a pair of angelfish in the tank. However, I also have 2 platies and would like to add a few more of them to have a small school of fish in addition to the...
  37. L

    Filter Suggestions for an 11G (42L) Cube

    Hello! I am in the process of starting up an 11 gallon rimless cube (planted). I am having a very hard time figuring out what to do about filtration and am leaning towards a canister filter (if there is one small enough?). Having a hard time finding good information with google searches. Can...
  38. JBlacksmith

    Betta Sorority - Filtering Problem

    I know the topic of betta sororities has been discussed on various forums ad nauseam. . . But I was hoping someone on here might have some advice! How do you filter a heavily planted tank? I've added tons of plants (silk) and decorations to give each female plenty of hiding spots, but I'm...
  39. AXsmasher

    Large 150cm * 150cm * 50cm tank (1125L) Stocking

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum so correct me if I have posted in the wrong place : ) thanks. I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of...
  40. D

    330 Litre Amazon Rainforest Tank (With discus)

    I don't really post here much but I thought it would be nice to share my new tank build with you guys, plus it acts as a little diary for me ;) I used to keep marines but quit the hobby about 5 years ago. Last November I decided to get back into it, so re setup an old JBL nano I had in the...